Without embarrassment: what questions it is important to ask your gynecologist


Almost for any woman, one of the most exciting moments becomes going to the gynecologist, and this excitement is not always pleasant. We have already talked about how tactless, even the coolest specialists can be, and yet the doctor's consultation is necessary at least once a year. Sometimes we are so worrying that we simply cannot focus and ask you really exciting questions. We decided to help you and prepared a small list of the main issues for your specialist who often worry a huge number of women.

How to understand that I have no problems with a cycle?

Your gynecologist must necessarily discuss with you the duration of your cycle - this is the basis of the foundation. Normal indicators are considered to be a gap from 21 to 35 days. Deviations in one or the other side can already be considered a signal to seek help from a specialist. Very often about serious problems with the reproductive system, it is the delay or too short cycle.

Do not be afraid to ask

Do not be afraid to ask

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

Why is proximity causes discomfort?

An unpleasant feeling during sexual intercourse should not be the norm in your life, especially if for a long time everything was in order. The reasons why you cannot enjoy the closeness with your beloved person can be much, and many reasons are psychological, and therefore a gynecologist can redirect you to a psychologist who will understand in a difficult problem. However, most often pain during intima is a consequence of infection or inflammation, with which it is very difficult to cope without the involvement of a specialist.

How often do you need to pass tests on the STD?

Of course, in most cases, we are asking for help when we begin to chase extremely unpleasant symptoms, in such cases there are often diseases, the development of which could be prevented by a timely inspection. And yet, even if you do not feel unpleasant sensations, but you cannot boast a regular partner, you need to check after each intimate contact with a new person, let your proximity and was protected.

I have had…

When a gynecologist asks you a question about the number of partners, he does it not from personal, but exclusively from professional interest. No need to deceive a specialist and ourselves, understating or increasing their quantity, so you just prevent the properly diagnosis and assign the necessary treatment. No one will condemn you (if a specialist is competent) and will not root.

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