Why a woman who should not have anything to anyone will always be in losing


Beautiful, independent, confident, flying gait goes past a man, and he immediately falls in love with her. And of course, it begins to achieve it. Actively, beautiful, it is not safe and necessarily at all. And why? Because she is "all this in Dolce Gabbana", confident in herself, he doesn't want to meet the men, he does not hold promises, because a woman is not rebeling to be a little bitch, and in general she should not anyone.

Such a scenario hundreds and thousands of women took for themselves as the best and, applied it with a huge number of articles on the fact that the woman should not do anything to anyone, they will really believe that they will be happiness.

I do not like to act as a destroyer legends, but, in my opinion, this is one of the most dangerous delusions of women and girls, which can strongly affect the quality of their lives. Why?

The first reason is what bar is a person for his achievements. And here it is no longer so important what is about - about a worthy man, with whom you can safely start a family, or about any other achievements, whether a career or success in any other field. If you see the biographies of great women or famous athletes, or entrepreneurs who have achieved significant success in their lives, you can see that none of them got everything that has, for nothing, just like that. Everyone made special efforts for this, efforts and, above all, has made increased demands. None of the successful people said: "I haven't had anything to anyone, and therefore I achieved everything." On the contrary, these people felt that they had to create their future themselves, should train, should work at least better than others, and therefore they won. Does it sound too pathetic? Maybe.


Phrase "I should not do anything" - one of the most dangerous female delusions

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

But even if you do not talk about the stars of world sports or billionaires, but simply bring to the example of women who successfully married a wonderful, decent man, and who already live by the lives about which others are only dreaming: have a house, children and truly A strong marriage, in this case, none of them said: "I am a woman, and I have nothing to do with anyone." At a minimum, she had to her own - to make a manicure, to clean his head regularly and dress decently. And after that, the question of the plank is once again asking for a person. Watching any kind of requests: if a woman wants uneducated, not very clean and tidy, unemployed man with a burden for beer and insults, then in this case, of course, for such a character you can especially and do not try. But if a woman claims to someone at the level of higher, the rank of probacious and with good luck, if a woman plans to become his wife, have children from him and to show an example of a happy family from him, then she is exactly something, but should. Perhaps not for others, but for your happiness and for your happy future.

Cause number two. The phrase "I should not do anything" is, among other things, absolutely asocial and inapplicable to real life. Each person lives in society, on some established rules. For example, between neighbors there is a certain agreement not to make noise at night and, for example, not to use the elevator instead of the toilet. You can say: "I have nothing to" anyone "and violate these rules, but then the question of the level of human claims, his environment and the planks of the requirements arises again. I am convinced that the persons without a certain place of residence exist precisely on this philosophy, they really should not have anything to anyone, and that is why they are still at what corner they sleep, what an aroma exudes and what passersby are thinking about them. The question arises: who want to be equal? On great, successful and famous, which are presented with increased demands, or on those who sleep under the fence? Who want to marry - for decent and smart or for the first oncoming minimal achievements?

Any relationship, especially family, require certain efforts

Any relationship, especially family, require certain efforts

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

The third reason is the brutal truth of life. As experience and elementary observation of people, the phrase "Woman to anyone should not" love beauty very much. Beauties from 14 years are getting used to a special attitude, without applying no effort. Just in exchange for a pretty face, they begin to love people, they stretch to them, and it seems that fans will always. Hence the attitude towards people and men are often consumer and not very correct. Beauty is confident that there is still a huge queue of those who want to make her life beautiful, and therefore a separate concrete person is not valuable. With his philosophy, "I should not do anything." The woman dismisses one man after another, hoping that somewhere ahead of her the perfect option awaits. However, there is only a lonely 30th anniversary ahead of it. Then the 35th anniversary, and also without a husband and without children. And, oddly enough, almost without fans. After all, every day, the new young beauty enters the majority and defits the attention of men. And our matured 35-year-old beauty, growing great conceit to this age, finally, begins to guess: "Oh! I am 35. Fans are not left! Rather, they remained, but such as I do not want. And those I want, or are already busy, or do not want me. Or maybe I still should anyone? "

Sustrous truth life, yes?

Dear girls, do not believe in stupid theories about sweet life without effort. Do not like Pinocchio, who burned a coin into the ground, hoping for a money tree. Do not believe those who say that the woman should not anyone. This is a sweet lie, it is opium, it's like a long stay in pink glasses. This is a monstrous misconception that takes the best years of your life, and then, Nice, you will understand that some things needed to understand and do many years ago. There is no absolute happiness, just so funny on his head. Even if it fell into your hands itself, this intentional phrase can lose his happiness in one moment, just unable to keep it. For happiness, to create a family, for any achievement you need to make efforts. If you want to be happy - you should! First of all!

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