Seven on the becks: all the pros and cons of life in a large family


When a woman is solved to give birth to the first child, she is always scary. However, many are so fond of that they do not notice how more and more children give birth. In the past few years, the number of large families is growing steadily: young people feel more confident in their abilities, which means that you can calmly give birth. Let's figure out what are the pros and cons when creating a big and friendly family.

not all children will miss attention

not all children will miss attention


You will have additional benefits

After the birth of a third child, a couple, as a rule, arise serious problems with finance. This is not surprising, because even one child in the family requires much costs, what to talk about two or more children. In this case, there are various benefits and benefits that will help the family do not dismantle completely.

Your children will achieve more

As a rule, children from large families more often achieve success, since since childhood it is accustomed to live in conditions of high competition. Hardly your baby becomes a selfish adult, if in his youth, he is used to share with brothers and sisters absolutely to everyone, in addition, in a large family, you can learn how to make concessions and defend your position that it will be useful in absolutely any business.

You educate independence in the child

Many children from families with a lot of brothers and sisters are familiar with the picture: a tired mother from the last strength prepares dinner before the arrival of his father from work - what kind of help can speak in this case. The child has to find a way out of the situation where adults will not help him, but isn't an independent child - a dream of any parent?

Naturally, there are also minuses in creating too large family. Often, people are simply not ready for such difficulties, because of what many problems arise, often developing into a scandal and even divorce. And to stay one woman with four or five children - a real test.

Make sure you can provide all children

Make sure you can provide all children


Make sure you can provide all children

"God gave a bunny, give and lawn": The phrase scored incredible popularity in social networks and now acquired, rather, comic shape. However, everything in life is not so rosy. Not every couple is able to cope even with one child, what to talk about several. Yes, you may want a big family, but if your desires come against the ability to avoid any problems.

Mother will be difficult to care

When more than one child, a woman has to sacrifice working hours to put the baby on his feet, and now imagine that you have five children who are sick at different times. It is obvious that to be a successful businessworm in such conditions is impossible. Are you ready for this?

Nobody canceled children's jealousy

A large number of brothers and sisters can go both benefit and poison the relationship in the family. Naturally, you will not be able to pay equal attention to all children, because of which some of them will feel strong discomfort. Be prepared for the manifestation of children's aggression towards younger relatives to attract your attention.

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