Anna Starshenbaum: "In the" stork "I am especially pleased with the role of my husband"


Anna Star'shenbaum now knows exactly what dreams come true. The main thing is to clearly formulate them. The actress has long wanted to voice the cartoon, and she finally fell out this chance in the animation painting "Storks", the premiere of which was held last week. About his debut, his heroin and his family Anya told.


Storks bring children ... or, in any case, before they brought. Now they are delivered by the delivery of parcels for a huge website of online sales. Junior, the best stork in the courier company, should go to the rise, but he accidentally activates the car to create children and gets a charming, but completely unplanned girl. Trying to deliver this "parcel" before the boss learns about what happened, Junior and his girlfriend Buttercup, the only person on the mountain storks, are decided on their first delivery of the child and go to the insane and amazing discoveries, thanks to which many families can become complete , and storks - return to your true mission on Earth.

"Anya, tell us about your heroin, which you gave a voice in the cartoon" Storks ".

- My heroine buttercup is a 18-year-old inventive man of different interesting things from girlfriend. She is the only person on the grief of storks. Orphan: once the stork does not bring it, dropped. Buttercup is very good, but wrinkled and crazy. Unpredictable, active, fast, bright ... I was very interested to voice it. Much more interesting than their cinema heroines, because there was more space where you can disperse.

- Is this your first video of the cartoon voice?

- Yes, and immediately so lucky! In general, it is very interesting how it all happened. Somehow, on my page in the social network, I wrote that I have long I want to voice the cartoon. This is my old dream. I even had a nickname cartoon in the institute. And even earlier, I was called me a stepashka at school, so I have long been pursued by cartoon images. And somehow it happened that through the social network I was offered to take part in samples. Then I also called my husband (Alexey Bardukov. - WH), and we both have passed samples. And so they got the characters in us or we fell into them that it was not difficult to work, but very fun.

- Can you say that you are satisfied with the work done?

- Yes, I am very pleased. And especially pleased with the role of her husband. He also has the first experience in the voice acting, but it turned out so great that I understood: it is absolutely it and it is necessary to continue. Lesha voiced a stork, careerist and pedant, but at the same time very varying and touching.

Anna Starshenbaum:

- Did the cartoon son liked?

- Vanechka really liked. We often go to cartoons with the whole family. But now there is a lot of humor of modern, ugly, hard, and we even leave in the middle of the cartoon. And "storks" are a very kind cartoon. And plays on such spiritual notes as the theme of motherhood, fatherhood, family, the feelings of parents, when they only appear newborns. It is impossible to stay indifferent.

- How did Vanya react that the main characters speak moms and dads?

- He is still small, he will only be five years old. He, of course, realized that it was us. But it is possible to react violently when you are already a socially active person when you understand how cool it is. And so: well, mom-dad, and what?

- The theory of storks is familiar to him? Or Vanechka is not interested, where children come from?

- I say that there are such fairy tales: storks, cabbage, but it's all for small children, but in fact everything is different. I try not to keep it in pink glasses, to communicate with him in an adult. As part of a reasonable, of course. (Laughs.) So it approximately knows that if a woman with a man love each other, they kiss, hugging, and they have a child.

- And when you yourself learned about everything?

"I don't remember, but my mother is also extremely honest with me, so these moments somehow themselves appeared in my life."

- On the plot of the cartoon there is a boy who really wants younger brother. Have you asked my brother or sister in childhood?

- I do not remember to ask. But I have a niece, Ira Star'shenbaum, she is now too much removed. We almost did not communicate in childhood, saw a couple of times when we were eight years old. We also have almost no time to meet, but the very fact that there is a relative of my age, of course, very warm. It is always nice when there are many relatives.

Anna Starshenbaum:

The main characters of the cartoon "Storks" were voiced by the wife of Anna Starshenbaum and Alexey Bardukov. Their son Ivan is still satisfied with the role of the viewer

- And Vanya asks you about the brother? Or him and one good?

- Children are generally very self-sufficient and independent in a personal sense. And the boys especially, they have no maternal instinct. Although Vanya we have a very caring, gentle, attentive, always takes care of other children, about animals. And sometimes he has a desire. But when I explain to him that at first it will be just a small squeaky crook, which all the time she wants something, he is released. (Laughs.)

- The cartoon also addresses the actual theme of the employment of parents, workaholics, which make little time to their child. Do you always have enough time to son?

- As long as we and your husband are successful. If shooting or even parallel projects, then they take the days of fifteen per month. It often happens that when I have work, Lesha break, and we can be in turn. In addition, Vanya goes to the garden. And when I have free time, we will spend the kindergarten with him to stay together. And Lesha has a big family, her daughter's sister - Vanina Rough, they often see. So there is no disadvantage in communication with Vanechka.

- Are you already taking your son to shoot or in the theater?

- It's hard. I can't focus at work when he is near. Percent of eighty attention is given to him. Although he came to me on the entrepreneur "Caution, women!", And it did not distract me. The first time, probably, it happened. So, maybe, over time it will get it with him. And show him what Mom does.

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