Nina Shatskaya: "Lemurov Matriarchate"


"I dreamed of seeing Madagascar since childhood, famous for its endemics - plants and animals living exclusively on this island.

And when I finally got to an amazing piece of land in the Indian Ocean, then the first thing went to look at Lemurov.

In pursuit of beautiful frames, I left and missed the story of a guide that it was hand lemurs, accustomed to take a treat from the hands of a person.

On the island a lot of hand lemurs who are accustomed to take a treat from man

On the island a lot of hand lemurs who are accustomed to take a treat from man

Photo: Personal archive

The charming shaggy men were very affectionate. The beggars burned on his head, shoulders, looked into the face and the gentle paws were pulled out of the hands of guests of bananas, and when the banana was eaten, they lied his remnants from her palm.

At the expense of jumpers, sometimes like a flight, Lemurs impressed very light animals, so when our guide is shown on the heying branch, said that he weighs about 6.5 kilograms, I doubted my mother Marik weighs 4 And it looks five times smaller!

Nina Shatskaya:

"The charming rocky swords turned out to be very affectionate"

Photo: Personal archive

Live lemurs families - from two to seven individuals. Of the 12 species of the island of Madagascar living in the park of the island of Madagascar, only two types of polygamans, most keep loyalty to their spouse.

Lemurov has a very developed sense of smell, they will from afar there are plenty of strangers and do not let them close!

Both spouse is incredibly jealous, and if Lemur Guest appears, the owners of the same gender are fighting to death, kicking out the uninvited guest.

And if suddenly the female dies, his father leaves the family without supervision - he struck the baby, then, during the Gon, finds a new partner.

Adult Lemur weighs about 6.5 kilograms

Adult Lemur weighs about 6.5 kilograms

Photo: Personal archive

Usually the female brings one young, rarely - two. Shortly before the birth of the female, the nest is a nest, in which after the birth of the baby spends about two weeks with him, otherwise the flock, an odd unfamiliar smell, nervous and can even destroy the baby!

After a couple of weeks, the smell of a new relative becomes usual, and milf with a baby leave their refuge, having moved to the family. Yes, I forgot to say! Lemur Matriarchate! "

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