6 evening rituals to wake up the princess in the morning


In 2017, a study was conducted, which showed: people who did not fall out of only two days, respondents saw less attractive than those who comply with the health rate of the experiment participants. Doctors talk about the importance of sleep is not just like that. Just one night of bad sleep can affect your face in the form of dark circles, frightened age, pale leather, traces from the pillow and peeling of the horn layer. First of all, you should understand that sleep is a time when your body is restored. During sleep, blood flow in the skin is increasing, collagen production is stimulated - an important protein skin for the elasticity. That's what you can do to give the skin to relax:

Observe the mode

The best start for your skin is and for your overall health care is to rest the recommended number of every night. The consequences of bad sleep for your skin are numerous and significant - from fast aging to slow wound healing. On average, you have to sleep 7-9 hours. You can track your sleep with a portable fitness tracker to see how fast sleep.

If you make cosmetics daily, cleansing you need to pay more attention

If you make cosmetics daily, cleansing you need to pay more attention

Photo: unsplash.com.

Do not forget to wash

During the day, dust accumulates, which settles in the pores, mixing with Sem. Purification with a soft tool helps to dissolve fat and remove it from the surface of the skin, preventing the pore clock. And if you make cosmetics daily, cleansing needed even more attention. When swinging, the mascara irritates the mucous eye, causing its dryness, the tone cream is mixed with sweat drops and dries, leaving salt on the surface, etc.

Use moisturizing cream and drink water

Heating reduces air humidity, because of what moisture faster evaporates from the skin. To resist this, an external barrier in the form of a moisturizing cream can help: it helps to keep moisture in the skin and smooth the flakes of the horn layer for the subsequent application of cosmetics. To get a more saturated product, try the night mask or apply oil on the skin. Also, do not forget to drink water - add lemon juice to it or cut the berries to easier to fill the daily fluid rate.

Heating reduces air humidity, because of what moisture evaporates faster from leather

Heating reduces air humidity, because of what moisture evaporates faster from leather

Photo: unsplash.com.

Sleep on the back or use a special pillowcase

It is logical that the position of your face during sleep matters for the skin. Sleep on a rough cotton surface can cause skin irritation. While most wrinkles arise due to what we do during wakefulness, wrinkles on the face and chest may arise as a result of sleep on the stomach or sides. A simple solution to this problem is to sleep on the back. But if you can not vote to another sleep pose, replace the cotton pillowcase on silk or satin. Change it every week - read our material about the number of bacteria accumulating on bed linen.

Raise your head

It was proved that the rise of the head helps to cope with snoring, acid reflux and discharge from the nose - all the problems that can disrupt the quality of your sleep and, therefore, your skin. In addition, this position can help reduce bags and circles under the eyes, improving blood flow and preventing blood cluster. Just need to put a thin second pillow under the head or take your favorite pillow for flights.

Sleep in the dark

Close the curtains overnight - choose options from dense tissue, which does not miss light. The reason for this in the development of melanin is in the dark. Plus you will not wake up from the first rays of the Sun, which now stands all before. It is even better to establish closers on the curtains so that they themselves have splash around 5-10 minutes before your alarm.

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