Vegetable or fruit: what you need to know about avocado


Probably one of the most popular products that turns out to be in a basket of any adherent of the right lifestyle. According to statistics, avocado overtook bananas several times - an avocado fan is every fourth buyer. We decided to get acquainted with a good product closer.

Which represents avocado

Let an avocado look more like a vegetable, in fact, it is the most real fruit. Avocado grows on a tree, and the types of this fruit are about 400, impressive, right? What is interesting, all kinds of avocado have their own taste and size, so you have a reason to try at least a few species and compare taste.

Nutritionists recognize avocado the most nutrient fruit in the world, by no edible plant, such a content of nutrients cannot boast of useful substances. First of all, avocado has huge stocks of group vitamins B, A and E. Do not forget about the content of potassium, magnesium and calcium.

Some avocado lovers experience that the fruit can harm the figure, as it contains a lot of fats. But it is not worth worrying, because these fats are unsaturated, which means easily digest. However, you do not need to abuse, try not to add avocados in the menu more often than several times a week.

Immediately remove the bone

Immediately remove the bone


Do you know ...

Avocado helps to normalize cholesterol levels in the blood. In addition, immunity is strengthened, as well as a dream thanks to the increase in the resistance of the nervous system.

Avocado bone is pretty toxic. However, this happens only when the bone with the air is in contact, so as soon as we can crack the fruit at all, remove the bone. But do not rush to throw away - you can put it in the ground, you will get a great room plant, but without fruits.

Avocado is aphrodisiac. For the first time as an Avocado, an avocado began to use in South America, and it really worked. Is it worth saying which popularity was the fruit in the area? By the way, I received my current name Avocado in California, where the fruit perfectly passed on and became incredibly popular.

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