Look at me: Proper skin care around the eyes


The thinnest and sensitive skin is in the area around the eyes. It has almost no sebaceous glands on it, so it is protected from external influences worse than, say, forehead or chin. At the same time, the skin of the eyelid is constantly moving, stretched and reduced. Our eye does a day to twenty-five thousand movements! It is not surprising that it is this zone that requires special attention. How to care for her, read in the material.

No wonder they say that the eyes - the soul mirror. Absolutely all our experiences are reflected here and leave their mark. It happens as they are actively involved in facial expressions, all our emotions are imprinted on the centuries. The situation aggravates the fact that the skin in this area is the most tender. According to the research results, it is ten times thinner skin on the shoulder. As a result, it will grow earlier, and the view of the interlocutor first of all falls on the woman's eyes, because it is precisely for this region that it is easy to judge the real age of a woman. Wrinkles, pigmentation, pallor and traces of beauty fatigue do not add anyone. In addition, the skin around the eyes is not supported directly bones, and the lack of food is immediately reflected in its condition. But competent care will help solve many of the listed problems.

First of all, remember that conventional face creams are not suitable for this super-sensitive zone, no matter how wonderful they are. For the eyelid, select special products. They have a lightweight consistency, quickly absorbed and do not leave the feeling of stickiness. It is also important that such agents are dual control - dermatological and ophthalmological, and their pH is equal to the level of pH of tears. Thus, the possibility of allergic reactions is reduced to a minimum. It is also curious that the concentration of active substances in them is significantly lower than in ordinary, because the skin around the eyes, as we said above, very thin, and the active ingredients are easy to penetrate it.

How young we were

Negative environmental impact, ultraviolet radiation, active facial expressions, dry skin - all this, naturally, is reflected in the state of the area around the eyes. In this case, prevent the appearance of wrinkles, it turns out, much easier than to deal with already existing. For this, after twenty years, cosmetologists recommend to strengthen the care of the centuries. But this does not mean that it is necessary to go to lifting creams. Quite deeply moisturizing and antioxidant products.

To slow down the first wrinkle formation process, follow a few simple rules. First, do not remove the decorative cosmetics from the eye with soap or alcohol tonic: they not only do not dissolve paint, but also dried the skin. Use special means. If the shadows are applied, carefully remove them towards the bridge to the temple. Mascara It is necessary to wash, clasifying cilia with two sides with cotton disks. This will help prevent skin stretching.

The skin around the eyes is more susceptible to negative environmental factors.

The skin around the eyes is more susceptible to negative environmental factors.

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Properly selected cosmetic products are also able to prolong youth. Among the active ingredients, look for hyaluronic acid and polysaccharides, vegetable humidifiers (for example aloe), antioxidants and sunscreen filters. In addition, there are creams for the skin around the eyes, which are capable of providing not only anti-aging effects, but also to deal with dark circles and swelling due to, for example, such components as an ash extract, silicon, caffeine and vitamin B3. Apply any means for eye contour you need easy, delicate movements. Take the amount of means with the size of the pearl and distribute it at the bottom century, then slightly massage the circular muscle of the eye. A couple of times a week it is useful to massage this zone. Just do not forget what to do it is extremely careful, so that again do not stretch the gentle skin. Apply a couple of coconut oil drops on the tips of ringless fingers and gently press them to the inner corners of the eyes for three seconds, then release. Repeat two or three times. Then swipe with your fingers under the eyes towards the temples. Make a circular motion and touch the bridges again. Do six to seven times. After that, make a massage of the zone around the eyes with light presses along the eyebrows from the interior to the outside. Repeat several times. Remove the remains of the oil with a napkin and wash the soft cleaner.

Berry again

If the skin lost the tone, the top eyelid appeared - this is a reason to address the care with the antiage effect. Anti-aging cream is necessary to preserve elasticity and elasticity. It can also be directed to cell regeneration, which does not make sense for young age, so it's not worth it for it. Many are confident that if you begin to actively rub the means "50+", you can apply a powerful preventive stamp by wriggles. That's just in advance they do not work. But at the right age, their benefits are obvious.

Fortunately, and apply anti-aging products now has become much easier and more pleasant. If earlier they had a rather dense texture, now you can buy a tool in the form of the lightest fluid. And the dense creams are good to use overnight, warming them before applying the pillows of the fingers. So they are better absorbed. In addition, care is needed to include serums that penetrate deeper into the dermis. It is necessary to apply them twice a day for the usual moisturizer. Thus, the cream will protect the day and restore at night, and serum is to strengthen collagen-elastin fibers and improve skin frame.

Also, do not forget that there are no more simple measures to assist the person. First of all, add moisturizing masks to the diet, even if your skin is not dry. Take vitamins (especially good A, C and E). Take care of your face from sunlight and, importantly, sleep more. And try to go to bed before twelve, because the collagen molecules are restored only during a night rest.

And instantly smooth the face will help Fillers. The cream-filler appeared as an alternative to the "injections of beauty", it visually fills the wrinkles, pushing them on the surface. Naturally, as soon as you are working, the magic effect will disappear, but so far the product is on the skin, you will look simply flawlessly.

Thin leather under the eyes is especially susceptible to the appearance of edema and bags

Thin leather under the eyes is especially susceptible to the appearance of edema and bags

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Dark side

When you remind you a panda, you can only dream of fresh form. Black circles under the eyes will immediately tell you that you had a sleepless night. Therefore, we begin to fight them based on the reasons for their appearance. Most often it is too thin skin through which blood vessels shone. In this case, look for retinol in cream, which seals the epidermis.

There are two more reasons. The first is nervous shakes and fatigue. Permanent stress "bombing" face from two sides: from the inside and outside. As a result, the protective barrier is thinning, and here they are long-awaited dark circles. If you are tired, and in the evening you have an important event, old proven methods will help. For example, washing with ice cube. Or put the cucumber slices in the eyelids for twenty minutes, and then wipe them with cotton woven disks, moistened with pink water. The second reason is the impact of activating the production of melanin factors. This is not only the sun, but also enhanced friction. That is why the skin around the eye needs to be treated carefully, cosmetologists are generally advised to apply the eye cream strictly by a nameless finger, as it is the weakest.

Avoska with potato

Thin skin under the eyes is especially susceptible to the appearance of edema and bags. And this is not the same thing. Bags tend to have chronic character and will not disappear anywhere if nothing specially do (sometimes you have to resort to surgery). Edems appear as a result of large fluid consumption and pass throughout the day. Creams with hyaluronic acid, ventilation (horse chestnut, caffeine and vitamin C) and strengthening the walls of vessels with components, for example, green tea and blueberry, routine, and grape bone, rutin, and grape bone extracts are helped. It is often recommended to apply ice, but there is no point in it, but chilled green tea bags can help because they provide drainage. Also well, ten minutes to put on the swelling sections of the skin cotton swabs, moistened in salted water, or slices of potatoes. And do not forget that the means with gel texture in this case can only be used in the morning, when applied to the night, they provoke swelling.

As you can see, the skin of the eyelids requires a thorough approach. However, if you do not be lazy, then you can easily extend beauty and youth, and hiking to the plastic surgeon will not need for many years.

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