Causes of unpleasant smell of mouth


Every woman wishes to be beautiful, elegant, attractive and unconditionally monitors himself. But there is an element in treating yourself, about which a woman may not even think about, namely the smell of mouth. Oddly enough, the reason can be wound not only in problems with teeth or stomach, but also in traffic jams in non-tagged almonds. About it - more.

Corks in chronic almonds are chronic tonsillitis. It is very difficult to identify this disease on our own and it is necessary to make washing of chickened almonds in the Cabinet of the Otolaryngologist's doctor, which can not be done independently. According to statistics, chronic tonsillitis is observed in 5 out of 10 girls. Wrong lifestyle (poor sleep, reception of harmful food, overwork) leads to a decrease in immunity, which is just a direct cause of chronic tonsillitis. To all, the population has a predisposition to him.

This disease in otorinolaryngology is one of the most common and as well as all diseases, chronic tonsillitis has its own symptoms, namely: headache, pain and increase in cervical lymph nodes, pain in the stomach and sore throat, inflammation of small almonds. And the corks themselves in the silicon almonds are deposits on the surface of the almonds in the form of food residues and pus.

Washing courses of non-black almonds must be carried out every six months, and after, such procedures will be enough every year and a half. The symptoms of intoxication will gradually leave, the feeling of fatigue, fatigue will disappear, the skin will look better (Streptococcus can no longer settle on the skin), the condition of the hair and nails will improve (also streptococcus will not be able to exist on them), normalizes sleep, and, of course disappear Unpleasant smell of mouth.

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