Thank you, free: the best ways to leave with an unpleasant date


Of course, when you have long been familiar with a person who invited you on a date, the chances of his successful completion are very high. But what if you went to meet a man, having acquainted with him on the Internet, and in fact it turns out that he is not at all such a handsome person as an avatar in social networks? Not every girl can openly declare a new acquaintance that she refuses to continue a date. We will tell you what to do if you hit this not too pleasant situation.

Do not encourage a man

Do not encourage a man


Do not make hasty conclusions

Yes, not all men are lucky to look like a Hollywood star, but this does not cancel the fact that he can be a very charismatic person, because he was able to attract you something during communication on the network. So, having come to the place of the meeting, just tell me that you do not have much time, if a person interests you, you can always postpone things, and if not ... You can leave after half an hour.

Suddenness - Your second name

Jump with a cry "God, I forgot to turn off the slab / iron / washing machine, etc." It is definitely not worth it - your interlocutor will understand everything. It is still not worth offended by a new acquaintance, so try to come up with something inoreigatory and act naturally. But at the same time you must come together and leave the fast pace, so that your cavalier does not have the desire to ride you and wait until you finish all things.

Girlfriend to help you

If you have a suspicion in advance that a person may not like, use a girlfriend in his small play. Agree with her about the signal that it should file you some time after you meet with a potential partner. Come up with anything, the main thing is that everything looks natural and not talked.

Treat girlfriend

Treat girlfriend



Sitting for a table in a cafe, order a color drink, such as coffee or cherry juice, and wine. As soon as you understand that the conversation strains you more and more, tilter the contents of the glass or cup. Of course, it is a pity to spoil the dress, but your psyche will be saved from unwanted contact - you will have to leave, you can not continue a date in this form.

A man may not like from the first minutes

A man may not like from the first minutes


Honestly admit

Option for a strong spirit. Tell your man straight that he did not meet your expectations, and it simply makes no sense to continue the acquaintance. Of course, a person can be offended, most likely, so it will be, but you were honest before him and yourself.

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