Eat me: Why do you need "Beauty Tablets"


When it is about beauty, doping is not prohibited. On the contrary, recommended. Nutricosmetics - the desired "youth in tablets" - goes to the masses. Multicolored pills are now taken for breakfast, lunch and dinner. While not instead of food. And not instead of creams.

According to surveys, 87% of the inhabitants of Western Europe are trying to follow the principles of beauty and health. And the doctors meaning confidently: each of us receives 80% of the necessary portion of vitamins. Why so it turns out?

Our lazy lifestyle is to blame. We are moving little, we can eat little, therefore we get vitamins with food. Moreover, the need for them has practically not changed since thereafter, when people wore skins and hunted mammoths all day. And ate, respectively, for three.

In addition, our distant ancestors lived among pure forests and fields, and not in the conditions of a metropolis, where car exhausts and tobacco smoke successfully absorb some of the vitamins already in the body. And their food was not a couple. Almost all the modern food - from home soup to store semi-finished products - prepare by heating. And this is exactly what vitamins are categorically not tolerated. Two other enemys - light and oxygen (read, "storage" and "transportation"). Therefore, the vitamin value of apples, both who came to us from Holland and their country, who have laid on the balcony, alas, are not great.

Do you still think that you can competently calculate your diet? Then still a pair of facts. Firstly, the number of useful substances in vegetables and fruits varies significantly depending on which corner of the globe and in what season they were grown by which chemistry and in what quantity were processed. And secondly, some of them are "divided" by their useful substances extremely reluctant. For example, tomatoes produce lycopene - an important substance for our skin, which restores its density and protects against free radicals. We produce in large quantities, but they give up - negligible. Oddly enough, the bioavailability of licopean increases precisely when heated, and most of all ... in tomato paste. Would you be able to calculate it?

So how to be? After all, each of the vitamins need us for health, and for beauty. The answer is obvious: the easiest way to get all the necessary "utility" with a multivitamin complex.

Nutrikosmetics will help to return the beauty and health of hair and skin ...

Nutrikosmetics will help to return the beauty and health of hair and skin ...

Beauty in tablets

Very often such a question arises: whether ordinary vitamin and "beauty complexes" are distinguished. We tell. Marking "Beauty" just does not put so much. It means that this drug, in addition to the standard set of vital elements, contains substances that directly act on those or other fabrics of the female body, improving the condition of the skin, hair or nails. Beauty tablets are already called the cosmetics of the future. However, say that someday they will completely replace creams and masks, it is like to repel: the day will come, when there will be no books, neither theater, no cinema - one solid television. Competent manufacturers of noctors themselves recommend combining their products with external cosmetics. After all, how much do not feed the skin from the inside, it will still need the cream as in the agent, which instantly returns her feeling of comfort and protects against the action of ultraviolet rays and weather troubles. And, on the contrary: the cream cannot replace the actions of multivitamins. It works on a limited area of ​​leather and eliminates individual symptoms, for example, dryness or skin irritation, while vitamin complexes act on the entire body as a whole and eliminate the cause.

No longer means better

Is it possible to combine non-surcharge funds with each other or with ordinary vitamins? There is no definite answer. It all depends on the composition of the drugs. Some beauty TABS so successfully act at once in several directions, which can, for example, to improve skin elasticity and at the same time treat it from acne. The main thing is not to overdo the specialists warned. In pursuit of beauty there is a risk of "folded" in its diet two identical vitamin complex and get overdose.

Overdose, or hypovitaminosis - by no means a horror and not an empty sound. Judge for yourself: the organism of an adult consists of 70-100 billion cells. Each cell is a small biochemical factory that works continuously: up to three million (!) Reactions per second, without lunch breaks, twenty-four hours a day, all life. In order for this complex "car" smoothly functioned, the body needs nutrients selected in the individual proportion. Biochemical needs from different people are different. Do you smoke, have stress, do sports or closer around the computer? Young you or old, slim or diluted? All these factors depends on how the dose of certain nutrients is necessary for you daily. The smoker, let's say, with each cigarette loses 30 mg of vitamin C. and it is unlikely that this deficiency will be able to fill only at the expense of tangerines.

"Vitamins help" set up "our body, like a played orchestra, says the Hamburg doctor and the Hasso Talman researcher. - But in order not to succeed in Caucoponia, it should not "throw" nutrients without parsing. Any surplus, like any drawback, will bring more harm than good. " Therefore, vitamins are better chosen individually and after consulting with a specialist.

Set thoroughly, which macro and trace elements are missing your body, you can, for example, having analyzed hair. The procedure is simple - it is necessary to come to the doctor and "part" with several strands of the total thickness of four matches. They are cut from the root, from the occipital part, closer to the neck, so that the hairstyle is spoiled. The result is ready in two weeks. And the "layout" on vitamins can be obtained by passing blood from the vein.

... and contribute to maintaining the fitness of the figure

... and contribute to maintaining the fitness of the figure

Seven steps to beauty and health

Nutricosmetics - by no means an modern invention. Some of the dragee are already several decades. Some time ago, the excitement among Americans caused a tanning tablets. They were advertised as a safe alternative to solarium, until it turned out that they were perfectly stained not only the skin, but also internal organs. And only now the pharmaceuticals reached such a high level that it became possible to create really effective and safe agents that positively affect the condition of the skin, hair and nails. The indexosmetics market in Europe is estimated at $ 360 million, in the USA - 2,400 million, and these figures continue to grow. Experts argue: the only thing that restrains his rapid development ... This is his rapid development. We are in need of so many tablets, powders and drinks that we begin to confuse and doubt them, do not trust and in the end I do not buy at all.

Nutricosmetics today is taken to solve a variety of problems.

1) Anti-cellulite tablets work at the expense of components that improve the metabolism and microcirculation in subcutaneous tissues. They improve blood microcirculation and lymphs, normalize the outflow of the tissue fluid and reduce swelling.

2) not "anti-cellulite", but clearly for those who follow their figure - the means that are designed to give the body of women the optimal amount of vitamins and minerals so that it can be in a tone and lead an active lifestyle, and also fill their drawback, If she sits on a strict diet. Very often, such complexes include lipoic acid, which activates metabolism and reduces cholesterol levels in the blood.

3) Perhaps, each of us for one or another needs to subsidize Vitamin C. Recommended at least 50 mg is negligible when you fight stress or infection, smoke, take contraceptives or just take care of your appearance, because vitamin C is very important to preserve the skin's youth. Remember this!

4) Vitamins and biodulates for skin beauty are the most vivid representatives of the noctors, since the result is on the face. As a rule, antioxidants protect the skin from the destructive effects of free radicals, substances that activate the production of collagen, rejuvenating and improving blood circulation components, introduce into such drugs.

5) A number of vitamins operate in three main directions: hair, nails, leather. Usually, such complexes include vitamins of group B and beta-carotene, which purposefully care about the skin, helping to preserve it smooth and fresh. Folic acid, vitamin A and biotin improve hair structure. Calcium salts and methionine compounds are heated with nails, making them strong and elastic.

6) Even if you are in perfect order and on the nails, the hair, the skin does not complain, from time to time, especially at the moments of stress, diseases, intensive sports, the body needs a vitamin fitting - to maintain the tone and that the beauty does not be confused. For such cases, special vitamins are also provided.

7) One of the new hobbies is drinking cosmetics. No wonder. Such drinks are pleasant for the stomach, have high bioavailability, finally, with their help you can quench thirst. Such beverages promise skin vitaminization, nutrition and moisturizing, improve color and tone, long-term sunbathing and reducing wrinkles. And in general - rejuvenation at the cell level of the whole organism.

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