Natalia Bystrov: "I'm offended, wounded, but not malicious"


- Natalia, why did they agree to play in the musical "Chicago", because you already work in the "mermaid"?

- I took part in the general casting and passed to the final, but did not get into the project not immediately, because, as you have already noticed, I play a major role in the "Mermaid", which so loved the metropolitan public. I have the opportunity to surprise the viewer, because it is a completely unusual material. Of course, "Chicago" is an excellent reason to celebrate a kind of anniversary, because I have already played about 1000 performances in musicals!

- On the Internet there was a vote, and you were recognized as a "favorite actress of the musical." Do you think this genre arrived in Russia? After all, we have a very ambiguous attitude ...

- In the fact that the musical has taken root and became for the audience a favorite genre, you can not even doubt. In Russia, it is about not one dozen years old to him, but, unfortunately, there is a lot of hack. Quickly "slept", somehow asked the houses of the suits from Plush, sang under the phonogram and let's carry the "chest" throughout the country. The viewer goes to the spectacle brought from Moscow, and quickly disappoints, begins to think that the musical is something poor-quality, uninteresting, and in fact they simply did not see decent projects. It seems to me that good musicals in Russia have a great future.

- Costumes in which you appear, stunning, bright, original. What do you feel when you wear them?

- In the "mermaid" costume gives unusual emotions. When I put on a long red wig, a narrow flowing tail, then a completely new, "streamlined" plastic immediately appears. In this costume I feel like real fabulous heroine.

For any artist, the role is made up from different parts. Sometimes you sing a song and suffer in search of a character. And suddenly, suddenly you find a damble paint, and it becomes clear what a character you have.

There was such a situation in the musical "sounds of music." There was little time before the premiere, and I could not understand the role for a long time that my heroine is. In the plot, my heroine was the obedient of the monastery, which did not have clothes, and she got someone else's dress. When tried a suit, so funny, ridiculous outfit - a huge size of a shoe and a wig, tried to go funny walking. I immediately understood the character of my character, what she is. The question about the costume is very good, for the artist costume - it is fifty percent of success.

In musical

In the musical "Chicago" Nataliya Bystrov appears in front of the audience in a completely new image. .

- You will greatly go old long dresses, I would not want to return to that era, when women dressed quite differently, unlike our contemporaries?

- I would love very much. We at the institute had such an item - etiquette. We passed different epochs, and I said my teacher: "Natasha, you are incredibly the vintage dresses, corsets, ruffles." In the musical "Beauty and the Beast", my dress weighed 16 kilograms, it was wide, heavy all shroves widened by stones. A heavy skirt constantly beat me on the legs, I constantly went to bruises. But this dress played the dress perfectly "instead of me," when I appeared on the steps in the rays of the world, I didn't have time to do anything yet, I had already broken a mad applause.

I really like Chekhov's era: closed standing collars, long silhouettes, sleeves with a flashlight, pearl butchers on the back. It seems to me that it is very feminine. And gradually I turn to such dresses.

- You will look very noticeable and bright, because most women prefer jeans. The age of speed dictates their rules.

"I agree that in the" century century "jeans are the most comfortable clothes, I myself most often prefer jeans or sportswear, while driving it is much more convenient. But if you can choose from the outfits and wear something besides jeans, hold the opinion that the woman should be more covered. It is much sexier. When everything is open, everything is clear what to guess here? .. I have, for example, slender legs, I go mini, but when I go to parties or events, I prefer long and strict dresses. I have my own designer, she develops to me an individual style.

Natalia Bystrov:

"In the" mermaid "costume gives unusual emotions. When I put on a long red wig, a narrow flowing tail, then a completely new, "streamlined" plastic immediately appears. In this costume I feel like real fabulous heroine. " Photo:

- And where most often buy clothes?

- Well, definitely not in Moscow. You can travel around all Moscow and not find anything, or found for some crazy money. I shopping I do either in Yekaterinburg or in Europe, because there you can find anything. There was such a situation, one day in London, I was invited to an event with the participation of Sylvester Stallone at the premiere of "Rocky Balboa". It was necessary to look good. My friend and I ran into the first little shop and completely accidentally, I suddenly saw a black and white outfit, "bag bag." Summary - nothing attractive, but when it was put on, it turned out an incredible beauty dress with a thin mating. Long silhouette, behind a small loop, it fell on the figure that everyone just got angry: "How it goes to you!" I bought this dress and was so good in it that I was surrounded by the ladies from a secular society with a question, what designer did I order this dress? So there are nothing brands.

- What color do you have in favorites?

- Since I have the eyes of the blue sky, then they go gray, turquoise, blue, peach. Despite the fact that I am a blonde, I love purple color, they do not go blondes, but I feel good. And I have some passion for gray things, especially in the fall, in winter. Each time psychologically set up, so as not to buy a thing of gray, I go to the store and immediately go to gray colors.

Psychologists say that this is the moment of searching comfort.

- As for the star, what do you think, how much do you change when fame and popularity?

"I am a very sociable person and never offend anyone, I will not go to the conflict and not offend even in response." I myself offended, wounded, but not malicious. All creative people are very wounded, we can hurt anything, another thing - you let go it or not. I am easy to offend, but I will not live with it. I try to switch and do not worry in yourself, because it destroys. If you constantly wear offenses in the shower and in the heart, then there will be no place for another, something good. I would not really want to change in the wrong side, I would not want to become an arrogant, arrogant, but also to open to the end - it is also wrong.

Natalia Bystrov:

"In the musical" Beauty and the Beast ", my dress weighed 16 kilograms, it was wide, heavy all embedded by Kharovski. A heavy skirt constantly beat me on my feet, I constantly went to bruises. " Photo:

- The idol of millions of viewers - Elizabeth Taylor - was very open for his fans, literally devoting them to all the nuances of personal life. So you can not?

- It does not speak about her openness. As Elizabeth Taylor does not want and I can not, because it is impossible to be for everyone open. If she told something about his life, it does not mean that she opens his soul to everyone, because everyone can spit in her. Not all people are friendly and, as a rule, do not forgive the success of the other, especially when this success is legitimate. Therefore, when they say about some artist, that it has become arrogant and inaccessible, it all needs to be divided. For everyone, you can not be open, otherwise you are "splashing." There is another moment: all people are energy charged differently. Sometimes you, having talked, charge from them, and happen, they want to communicate with you and take your strength.

- Do you feel it?

- Any artist leaving the scene can determine which room. Easy or heavy. Why it is said that the theater is a huge magic bunch of energy. Imagine how much energy flows on the stage? The hall is a separate organism, he already feeds you, charges, and it is important that this ping-pong began during the game - you are the hall, and he is. And, as a rule, when the artist is very laid out on the performance and goes to the applause, he returns everything to him. Sometimes you will play two performances and you have so much strength that they are ready to minimize the mountains. And sometimes the hall is such a heavy, impenetrable, he absorbs everything, absorbs, and you already think with fear: "When will the return be?", And then on the applause he returns everything. These are such inexplicable things, and they live in their mysterious laws. Just it is necessary to take.

In the daily life of Natalia Bystrov prefers to wear jeans and sportswear. With the groom Dmitry Yermak. Photo:

In the daily life of Natalia Bystrov prefers to wear jeans and sportswear. With the groom Dmitry Yermak. Photo:

"You're so young, but already understand where you managed to gain experience?"

- All at the level of intuition, experience here is nothing. If you do all my life with creativity, it develops by itself. I probably began to understand such things to somehow defend yourself. Profession demands to be in sight of the audience, but as I said, I do not want to "spill."

- "Profession in sight" - very accurately noticed, and it is now very difficult to become a popular artist without a scandal. What are you ready for popularity?

- Unfortunately, many artists are forced to go on this fashion and everything is done in order to "lure" the viewer in the theater. The goal is the most good - call people on the performance, give food for the soul and heart. But I, to be honest, I would not want scandals. When I asked questions about personal life, I used to relate to this negatively, then I realized that, going to a public profession, you need to play according to the rules. But in publicly telling how the husband beat you and kicked out with two hungry barefoot barefoot from the house, it seems to me. What you can share, you need to talk without constraint, but "turning" his underwear inside out is wrong. Any star has the right to human happiness, for some of its secrets, but one can say exactly - we are doing happy what makes happy and ordinary people. And every popular person is striving for calm and harmony.

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