How to lose weight and get rid of skin surplus


Obesity - Beach of our time. This is one of the most severe epidemics with which you have to face a modern person. According to WHO, millions of people around the world suffer from obesity. In our country, this is about 30% of the adult population, and most of them make up women.

Yuri Kachin

Yuri Kachin

Solve the problem of obesity is called by Bariatry (bariatric surgery), in the arsenal of which several types of operational interventions, allowing to reduce the main cause of overeating - the size of the patient's stomach. Depending on the case, patients are offered to bang the stomach, shunting, gastroplasty, accommodation in the stomach of a special cylinder, biliopanecreatic shunting, which reduces the possibility of nutrient suction from the tract and other types of operations. Thanks to the possibilities of baritatriax surgery, patients occur a very rapid weight loss, but they begin to face a new problem - skin surplus after such a quick weight loss. When weight loss takes place slowly, the skin has time for him, pulling up after the disappearing centimeters. But after an emergency weight loss caused by the operation on the stomach, liposuction and even childbirth, after losing volumes there are excess fabrics that look very inestoretically. Of course, the chances of the fact that the skin will tighten independently, in some cases there is, but most often the ugly folds after the bariatrius remain with the patient forever. And you can only get rid of them with plastic surgery.

In the arsenal of experts there are several ways to solve this problem: plastic of hands (brachoplasty), lateral and medial lift hips, torsoplasty, bodylift - a circular belt tightening, hips and buttocks, chest lift, face and neck area. These interventions are usually divided into steps. Start with that operation that stands in a patient in priority, then the full phased transformation of the patient with interruptions of 3-5 months for full recovery after the operation has already been placed.

Solve the problem of obesity is called bariatric surgery

Solve the problem of obesity is called bariatric surgery


To all these interventions need to be ready not only physically (to pass the appropriate examination, it is mandatory to pass tests), but also morally. After all, after most of the interventions (such as brachioplasty and torsoplasty), scars, which are time after time (somewhere in about a year), of course, will be pale, but they will be - and you need to be ready. You also need to be prepared for the fact that after conducting the torsoplasty you will have to stay for 1-4 days in the hospital under the supervision of the attending physician, strictly observe his prescriptions to exit the hospital, to abandon the visits to the pools, saunas and solarium. For 4-6 weeks will have to wear special compression linen. The postoperative period should be observed a diet, which completely eliminates salty, sharp and fried. It will be possible to return to the former lifestyle after torsoplasty after 1-1.5 months after the intervention.

Contraindications for torsoplasty:

- pregnancy and lactation period;

- oncology;

- blood disease;

- diabetes mellitus in the decommission stage;

- acute and chronic diseases in the aggravation stage.

Possible complications after surgery: the presence of hematomas and the seach; Scars, with whom, if desired, can cope after using the possibilities of modern cosmetology (laser and hardware treatment of a new generation), keloid scars and inflammatory processes due to non-compliance with the recommendations of the plastic surgeon.

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