Mired in networks: why we want to watch memes in the middle of the working day


A visit to social networks, such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or YouTube, has become an ordinary daily ritual for most people. Whether at home, on the bus or even during lunch with friends, if their tariff plan allows or have some free Wi-Fi, most people will tweet, place a photo or put like, using one of the popular social networking tools.

Some of the risks of social networks in the workplace include:

Loss of productivity

Confidential data leak

Harassment and bullying


Inappropriate communication

According to the survey of employees spent by Salary.com in 2014, 89% of respondents spend time on social networks at work. 24% refer to Google their main source of distraction. Facebook was in second place with 23%. Linkedin ranked third with 14%. Various other online directions were also mentioned, including: Yahoo (7%), Amazon (2%), YouTube (2%), ESPN (2%), and Pinterest, Twitter and Craigslist received 1%. Even by checking 10 minutes a day for watching social networks, the amount of 43 hours of working time accumulates for the year. Multiplying the number of employees in the company, it will turn out a huge amount of the time thrown on the wind, which means money. So what is the reason for this behavior?

Unsystematic work - time loss

Unsystematic work - time loss

Photo: unsplash.com.

Routine work. If people do the same task every day, she rapidly bother them. With each time, the performance of the employee will be worse, and the result will not please the manager. Solution: to dilute the routine by urgent tasks, projects for additional payments or change the powers of people with similar competencies.

Lack of reporting. Unsystemic work - time loss. By putting a task before man, do not forget to ask him to report. It is best to use a program where the employee will be able to celebrate the tasks and the period that took it. Seeing the list of coming affairs, he will be more willing to give a time to work than social networks.

Bad relationships in the team. The lack of communication makes a person go to the social network in the search for positive memes, communicating with old friends and other entertainment. Try to start with the acquaintance of newcomers with long-standing workers, more often suite joint lunches and do not forbid people to communicate in the workplace.

More often arrange joint lunches

More often arrange joint lunches

Photo: unsplash.com.

Stretched relationship with the boss. As a leader, you must establish trust with subordinates. Fabricating a problem, a person will soon postpone her decision, hanging in social networks than it is confessed in difficulties. Ask themselves whether employees have questions about projects, offer them a list of colleagues to whom you can seek help.

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