Nastya Zadorozhnaya: "I'm afraid of enclosures of beauty"


In his youth due to inexperience I resorted to different kinds of diet . But this is not a method. Because, as you know, any diet is stress: tomorrow I lost weight - the day after tomorrow has recovered by two sizes. Many often resort to the same weight loss technique called "do not eat". But this is minus the stomach and further consequences. Before this is impossible to warn, it is easy to tell about it on your own example. I had peritonitis. In addition to the fact that the reasons for its occurrence were a rich schedule, regular inacrets and lack of rest, so more diet and starvation.

I have such a principle - I eat every three hours : breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner. And even if, after a short sleep, I need to go to the airport, I adhere to this mode. You need to eat constantly. It is necessary to maintain the tone to continue to function normally. The snacks for me are red apples. I do not pull me at all at all. I will rather self-follower. If you show me a herring, it will be much more dangerous.

Professionally sport I never practiced, but I always had dances . At the same time, I tried a lot of things: both Thai boxing, and different simulators, and jogging, and power loads. In this sense, I love variety, a monotonous sport annoges me. Now, for example, I am engaged in an aquail in the pool and stretching. I generally like to do in the water, because it is more comfortable, you work exclusively with your weight. Such training is more costly than an hour on a treadmill. On average, the flow rate of about 800-1000 kilocalories. I work with a special cardio and clock, on which we are tracking the pulse. From the part it seems that it is simple, but it is worth entering the water and work out for fifteen minutes, as many people already understand that they are not able to continue. So the coach must select the desired load.

Nastya Zadorozhnaya:

"The main principle, which I have been held for many years: the hair is better not to injure"

I did not resort to the injections of beauty. In addition to voluntarily in the face of some kind of liquid, as part of which I do not understand, is scary. I am amazed by the courage of many girls and at the same time I do not understand why so on myself mock yourself. It hurts! And how many cases with very sad consequences! The face should not be loved not after you look at him in a mirror with a ready-made meech, but before bedtime and in the morning, when it requires a little attention and care. Therefore, I am for gentle masks, serums, massages, creams and tonic.

I'm watching hair I use a bunch of all kinds of money, masks. The main principle, which I have been accustomed for many years: Hair is better not to injure. Some girls have the same: I'll go to the brunette to paint or make such a stacking. The smaller you require from your hair, the more they will give you. I have not been painful hair for a long time, only sometimes I do a light toning. At one project, my heroine has always had one and the same hairstyle - a high horse tail, had to do the Bar and use a lot of varnish every day. After filming, to wash out hair cosmetics, I had to spend a lot of time. I literally walked my head in a large number of moisturizing means. Only so managed to keep such capricious blond hair.

Tip from Nastya Zadorozhnaya

If you decide to go on vacation to the sea, before entering the water, apply coconut oil on the hair so that it protects the hair from the harmful effects of salt water and the sun. Coconut oil eats out salt, and the hair remains in place.

Vegetable salad with egg is suitable for a discharge day

Vegetable salad with egg is suitable for a discharge day


Loading day from Nastya Zadorozhnaya

If there are no allergic reactions to vegetables, you can cook a wonderful salad to eat three times a day. You will need: tomato, cucumber, preferably cleaned from skins, egg, 100-200 grams of spinach and unsalted Adygei cheese. Season with olive oil. For dinner from salad you can exclude an egg. Salad is nutritious enough, and it has all the necessary useful elements in it. And do not forget about snacks.

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