Solar circle: History of pancakes and carnival


The Russian People's saying reads: "Without pancakes not Masillina, without a cake is not a name." Indeed, despite the fact that fistboats, Sabbath Saberkina Skival, skating on the Renice Sanya and other festive events, formerly a couple of centuries ago with compulsory attributes of the Maslenic Week, today safely ringed in the fly, we still eat pancakes on Carnival.

It is interesting that although the unrestrained eating of delicious carbohydrates on the occasion of the Winter Wires is the custom of ancient and very respected, originally pancakes in the oil menu of the Slavs did not mean. By the way, this fact is reflected in the very name of the holiday. You do not need to be a linguist to understand: Maslenitsa and oil - the words are single. But the second name of the holiday is cheese, or the cheese week - much more accurately reflects the gastronomic traditions of our ancient ancestors. Now few people remember about it, but before the adoption of Christianity in Russia during the period of carnival festivals it was customary to serve on the table exclusively in the spring of white: milk, sour cream, oil and fresh cheese. Pancakes are due to their shape and colors were associated with a solar cult and therefore were considered a memorial meal. Contradiction? Not at all! After all, according to the beliefs of the ancient Slavs, every day at sunset the sun was not just sitting on the horizon, but went down to the world of the dead. By the way, according to one of the versions of historians, pancakes on Maslenitsa just began to prepare, in order to honor the memory of the ancestors.

Now few people remember about this, but before the adoption of Christianity in Russia during the oil festivals, it was customary to serve on the table exclusively on the white background: milk, sour cream, oil and fresh cheese

Now few people remember about this, but before the adoption of Christianity in Russia during the oil festivals, it was customary to serve on the table exclusively on the white background: milk, sour cream, oil and fresh cheese


What are you melt?

Some more curious etymology: the words "damn" and "mill" actually have a common origin. The fact is that in the old Slavonic language, this dish appeared under the name "Mlin" and came from the verb of "Melti", which meant "grind", and if in Russian letter "M" eventually gave way to "b", then in Ukraine Pancakes still refer to Mlyllins. But the French word "CRE ^ SPE" and the Italian "Crespella" - the legacy of the old good Latin. Yes, the ancient Romans believed pancakes too, though they used them in food, having finally rolled into the tube, no wonder the Latin name CRISPUS dishes comes from an ancient Greek term "wrapped".

Warmed up, fed

By the way, in France, pancakes are considered a symbol of friendship and partnership. In 472, a group of French pilgrims arrived in Rome, where he was adopted by the Pope Roman Gelace first. Pontiff penetrates the pilgrims of such a sympathy that on its own initiative treated them pancakes. Since then, February 2 in France and Belgium, the day of pancakes, or Le Jour Des Cre ^ Pes celebrate. And during the holiday, pancakes are not only eating. With their help also guess! True, the ritual requires a fairious hand dexterity: in the left it is necessary to clamp a coin, and the right with the blade is damaged to damn the pancake, throw it into the air and catch on the fly. Yes, it is not easy, but it is believed that a person who managed to turn the tricky trick, for a year, it definitely grow up.

In Bulgaria, a local variety of pancakes - palacins - it is accepted for breakfast. Bulgarian palacints most often wrapped into the tube and start cheese, jam and chocolate and other sweet fillings. And on top and sprinkle with powdered sugar

In Bulgaria, a local variety of pancakes - palacins - it is accepted for breakfast. Bulgarian palacints most often wrapped into the tube and start cheese, jam and chocolate and other sweet fillings. And on top and sprinkle with powdered sugar


Secret component

Documents on how in the old days prepared pancakes in Russia, for obvious reasons there are no. Still, the official writing appeared only in the 9th century, and the Berevian diplomas were distributed only two centuries later. But the European medieval recipe pancakes is known for certain. It was discovered in the French manuscript Le Me'nagier de Paris, compiled in the XIV century. And so that unexpectedly: in the list of mandatory ingredients on a par with eggs, flour and water, white wine was meant, which was replaced in those days expensive salt. All of the above components the author offered to mix, pour the dough with a thin layer on a brass or iron pan and fry on a hissing creamy or olive oil.

American shape pancakes are similar to Russian pancakes: they are thicker and less in diameter. The dough for them is made on the basis of milk with the addition of melted cream oil. The taste of the pancakes resemble a biscuit root

American shape pancakes are similar to Russian pancakes: they are thicker and less in diameter. The dough for them is made on the basis of milk with the addition of melted cream oil. The taste of the pancakes resemble a biscuit root


Running with obstacles

British and Irish to pancakes are also trembling. The day before the beginning of the first launched week, the fat Tuesday is celebrated here, during which donuts, cream pies, and, of course, should be tuned for both cheeks. However, this is not the only purpose of their purpose. From the 15th century on this day in England, there are tested with pancakes. They take part exclusively ladies. The essence of the event is as follows: Dressed in scarves and aprons, with hot frying pans in the hands of women should be a light coward overcome the distance in three hundred eighty meters, constantly throwing pancakes and catching them on the fly. The winner is recognized not the fastest, but the most sensitive participant. That that will be able to flip pancake the most time. It is believed that a fun tradition appeared after a smaller case that occurred in 1445 in the town of Ovly Buckinghamshire County. Like, there one hostess in the fat Tuesday prepared food and was fascinated by the process that completely forgot about the church service. When the bells rang, she ran on Mass, holding a hot pan in her hands and throwing damn on her.

How this year is celebrated the Maslenitsa Star, read here.

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