Marriage after 30: how not to destroy the family in the first months


Sati Casanova is happy in marriage, however, the singer published a photo, the post to which forced fans to gripe - and is it all good in the personal life of the favorite artist?

The singer shared his opinion on marriage after 35 years: according to Sati, people to this age so "bone" the soul that it becomes difficult for them to make concessions that are so necessary in living together. Patience - almost the most important component of a happy union, says Kazanova, otherwise there is a risk of destroying marriage in few months. Also, the girl is not sure that motherhood will allow her to stay as free as now. Subscribers hurried to calm Casanov, sharing their stories about late, but happy motherhood.

Indeed, in pairs where partners are already far from young people, finding a common language is not so simple. We will tell you what methods to resort to your relationship to you only pleased, let you have no longer young lovers.

Learn to forgive

In 20 years, it is quite normal to take care of a partner for a couple of days - in the end you will be waiting for a stormy reconciliation, however, in marriage two adults, it is important not just not to bring the situation to mutual offensive, but also to be able to go out correctly, but for this not You need to run away, to force a partner to break your head, what happens to you. Honestly, admit that you need the time to cool and let go of the situation that brought you offense or irritation.

Talk to

Let you cope well with life, you also don't have any special problems in bed, nevertheless you seem to talk in different languages. According to psychologists statistics, the most popular appeals to a specialist are associated with the inability to find contact. The older we become, the harder to adjust the other, albeit your loved one. If you do not manage to establish contact yourself, do not postpone and contact a family psychologist for help.

Do not deprive yourself of personal space

Each of us has the need to spend time alone with them. And the more interests we appear, the more time we need to do what is really important for you. If at 20 years old you can dedicate all the time family and work, then overshadowing the thirty-year frontier, we are clearly understanding that you are really important in this life, there are more hobbies that you can devote more time than before. In this situation, a man can be against your hobbies, because before you dedicated all your time to him. Explain your second half, especially if you are recently married that you have a certain need to spend time at least several times a week. In this way, you can remove the accumulated stress without bringing it to your relationship.

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