In bed with the enemy: what unions of the signs of the zodiac can quickly break


Forget about the opposites are attracted. There will never be a good couple from a person, who has an intimate life in the second plan, and the one for whom this part is most important in relationships. Your partner temperatures should be similar and complement each other. Womanhit will tell you who can become a good pair for you if you believe in astrology.


Emotional and passionate Aries cannot boast of patience in relationships: if they want something, they want to get it right now. In bed, the sign representatives are trying to soon go from the prelude to the main action. It does not tolerate banal scenarios and sex "on the schedule". Answered missions will not give representatives of fiery signs: Lion and Sagittarius. To achieve sexual harmony, the Aries will also be able to be with twins and aquarius.


Sensual calves love romantics and in relationships, and in bed. To make a calf, you will have to start all the traditional romantic techniques: candles, wine, rose petals and so on. Representatives of this sign appreciate the body contact, strong hugs and passionate kisses. At the same time, it is important that they completely trusted the partner and felt comfortable next to him, then they will be able to fully liberate. Ideal sexual partners for Taurus - Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn and Fish.

Taurians need romance from partnership

Taurians need romance from partnership



Energetic and word twins - passionate lovers. They adore experiments in the bedroom and are ready for any non-standard scenario. In the partner, they are not only and not so much external beauty as the mind and charm. Perhaps, ideal sexual partners for twins are with them on one emotional wave and know exactly how to make it nice. It will be mischievously in bed, twins will be with scales, aquarius, rashes, lions and firing.


Sensitive and endlessly emotional cancers are not ready to immediately go to bed. Cancers It is important to feel confidence in your partner, to build a deep relationship with him. When the crayfish find their ideal in someone, they direct the entire supply of tenderness and care. At first, representatives of this sign can be shy in bed, but in the future, feeling with a partner comfortably become very affectionate. Most often, the ideal partners for cancers are representatives of water elements - scorpions and fish. Intimate Cancer Communication may also feel with calves, devices and Capricorn.

See also: As if described: 5 universal features of each zodiac sign


Lions, who are under the auspices of the Sun, are fervent, inventive and loyal lovers. Both in life and in bed, lions crave to be the best. They will do everything to satisfy the partner, and the compliments in the address of Lviv will only strengthen their fervor. Representatives of this sign waiting for saturated sexual experience with Aries, Archers, Scorpios, Gemini, Weights and Aquarius.


Externally, restrained maids are very loving and romantic nature. In the depths of the soul, they are waiting from the partner of bold (even daring) proposals, which will be in relation to the fire and add sharpness in relationships. In bed, the Court appreciate Hollywood romance, but will not refuse love games that will allow them to reveal their sexual potential. Reliable sensuality in the girls are capable of scorpions, crayfish, calfs, Capricorn, as well as fish.


Intellectual weights in relationships are important poetry, separating from gray reality, elevating and delivering true pleasure. Therefore, in a partner, the scales are looking for beauty - physical and spiritual. In the bedroom, the scales are ready for sexual experiments, they excitely all the new and unexplored. A saturated sex life is waiting for weights with twins, aquarius, aries. At the same time, they will not get bored with lions and firing.


There are already legends about the incredible sexuality of scorpions. This is indeed one of the most passionate zodiac signs. Moreover, the sexual potential of scorpions is able to ignite sensuality in any partner. Scorpio themselves perceive the intimate side of life as one of the most important. A durable intimate union in scorpions may be formed with twins, weights, aquarius. A bright sexy life of scorpions is waiting with fiery archers and lions, as well as with sensual crayfish and fish. As you can see, scorpions converge almost with everyone!


Sagittarius crave new experience: applied impulsiveness and unpredictability. Sagittarius are ready to make love anywhere and try anything, to enjoy the partner and are waiting for the same answer. Most of all in the partner of Sagittarov, intelligence, charm and sincerity are attracted. On one emotional wave, the Archers are most often with passionate lions and Aries. An unforgettable sexual experience of Sagittarius is also waiting with scorpions, twins, weights and aquarius.

Usually modest, Capricorns are revealed in close relationships

Usually modest, Capricorns are revealed in close relationships



Disciplined Capricorns were accustomed to restrain their emotions and at first glance may seem cold. However, in a comfortable environment and with the right partner, with whom they feel psychological proximity (by the way, Capricors are very selective), they reveal their sensory side. Capricorns are actually one of the most passionate signs, just no one knows about it. The most sensitive partners for the Capricors can be calves. A strong intimate connection between Capriciously will also be waiting with devices, crayfish, scorpions and fish.


The strongest sexual attraction of aquarity feels like people with an unusual vivid character, a sharp mind, disarming charm. In short, boring and ordinary partners, in which there is no "riddles", the Aquarius is not interested. Saturated sex life Aquarius is able to provide emotional Aries, lions and fittings. Temps and fish are also able to ignore the passion in Aquarius.


Fish - skillful lovers, seeking by all ways to delight the partner and ready for the most courageous experiments. Romantic and dreamy fish in bed reveal all the sides of their personality hidden from prying eyes and give will their fantasies and desires. Testing a bright sexy fish experience can be in a duet with scorpions. A deep intimate relationship among fish can also arise with Aquarius, crayfish, tales, devices and caperpashers.

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