"Weak" Gender: Wives of artists engaged in business


While one dream of getting a rich and famous husband, in order to dine in restaurants and pay for long shopping lists, others do not see the charms. Girls who are accustomed to rely on themselves, also exist - and men understand this perfectly. Compiled a selection of star partners who are proud of famous men.

Oksana Samoilova

The spouse of Raper Rafigne managed literally everything: play with children, solve current issues on several projects and practice in the hall. For several years, Oksana has been engaged in the sewing of children's clothing, even longer creates women's clothing models, sharing a business with a friend. True, the pregnancy and birth of a fourth child may prevent rapid business scaling, the main news of this day can prevent the main news of this day.

Elena Vakulento

To be near such a popular person, like Basta, and not lose yourself - it is not easy. However, Elena perfectly coped with this role. Previously, Elena was engaged in wine business, working in the company Father: According to her, it was a way from the seller to the manager of several cellars. Now the spouse of Rapper helps in his projects - recently organized the release of the book of fairy tales, which Basta wrote.

Anastasia Ryetov

Timati's wife, the owner of the Black Star Empire, Anastasia Rutov worked in the past in the past. The girl became famous thanks to the beauty contest "Miss Russia", after which they began to offer advertising contracts and publications on the pages of magazines. Earning an impressive capital, Anastasia opened his beauty salon in the center of Moscow. Now she is temporarily in maternity leave and raises the Son Ratmir, but soon plans to return to his beloved business.

Assol Vasiliev

See you with Raper St (Alexander Stepanov) Assol lived in the city of Tver with his parents. Mom had a travel agency in which the girl worked from an early age. Later fond of modeling and television - created several interesting programs where herself was leading. After moving to Moscow, the new project "Supersti" - meetings for little-known poets. Alexander helped the kids associate to reach a new level: gathered his writings and poems of star colleagues - from the cord to Slepakov seeds - to a single collection. Assol agreed with the publisher and released a unique book.

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