Do not disturb: 4 decor elements that will help improve sleep


A good sleep is the key to high ability to work and good mood, but few people boast a long bed on weekdays, especially when the schedule jumps, and go to the same time it becomes very difficult. We decided to tell about the effective items that will help make sleep long and uninterrupted.

More moisture

Did you guess that too dry air can cause the reason why you do not fall out for a long time? If the room is too dry, and even hot, the brain does not receive enough oxygen and in the principle of clean air to function normally. An ordinary humidifier will come to your aid and slightly open window. You can set different programs for the humidifier, but four hours are quite enough so that the air in the room is moistle enough and you do not feel the skin's skin and heat.

Artificial intelligence

We are talking about the column that will remind you that it is time to go to bed, or do the exercises before bedtime, which you often forget about. In addition, you can upload to it relaxing music or sounds to plunge into a calm dream.

Arrange real aromatherapy

Arrange real aromatherapy



Pleasant odors like nothing else helps relieve tension and spend calm all night. The easiest way to give the room a pleasant fragrance to buy several large fragrant candles. At the same time, do not look at the inscription that the flavor of the candle helps to relax, always choose the smell that you like it, otherwise you can get the opposite effect, and instead of sleeping all night to air the room.

Tracker sleep

Another superal thing. As we have said, the regime is observing only a small part of the inhabitants of the Big City, there is not far from Chertonia and chronic stress. But much more important is to track the phases of sleep in your case, since each person passes through a quick and long phase in different ways. In this, you will help the tracker, who will give full statistics to the morning about what time and how long did you spend in one or another phase. It will help you understand how you are in principle the situation with a dream, and whether it is worth it to adjust.

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