Love Road: How Help Connects Hearts


For most people, the automotive tap or breakage on the lively highway is a real headache, but why not look at the situation under a different angle - positive? As a rule, fateful meetings occur in an uncomfortable situation, especially often it happens on the road. We decided to tell, in what cases the opposite floor behind the wheel shows more attention to the "bad lady".

That's the adventure

The classic of the road dating is a breakdown, when a woman in any case cannot cope with independently. Many men in a similar situation simply misses their chance, offering only to call the tow truck, while women are waiting for more active actions than a simple call. To go out, ask whether to help with something else, or maybe and go to drink coffee - in fact, an excellent way to tie a pleasant acquaintance if the girl really liked. So, men, do not lose!

A small scratch on the hood is not always a big problem

A small scratch on the hood is not always a big problem


What can I tell

Another great way to get acquainted with a pleasant stranger - familiarity in the showroom. Here, men are repelled from their own self-confidence, because not every man will decide to approach a chic woman, let's say a luxury auto show. But be sure, a lonely girl watching the car will not be without the attention of the same lonely man. Therefore, if you do not want too much attention, take a girlfriend or relative, who will help to fight back from too active men who want to help with the choice.

Filling romance

No less dating occurs at refueling. A man of an experienced glance sees a girl, only severing behind the wheel, and at this moment the offensive begins, provided that it is alone. Romantic stories at refueling - not so rarity, so if you are in search of a man, try your strength here: pretend that you see the filling hose for the first time, men cannot remain indifferent to the torment of the beautiful stranger from the benzokolone.

Thoroughly drove

Not the most pleasant situation, but one of the most popular on the road is a petty accident. Of course, rely on the favor of man, whose car you were damaged, rather rashly, and still there are cases that a light scratch does not become a reason for serious proceedings, and both drivers are quite interesting people who will not meet again, but no longer about the accident .

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