7 rules of a woman who remains desirable for her husband


one . Often we hear the phrase: "You need to love and take yourself." However, not everyone understands what it really means. Women speak with irritation: "I love myself so much, I bought myself a dress, I made a hairstyle, went 1 time on the massage," while she works like a man, the nervous system is not in order, does not do what he wants, the husband offends Her, children clubbing ropes, she does not have the opportunity to be alone with themselves ... Love and acceptance of yourself is one of the basic main criteria for the pledge of happiness of a woman and in love, and in relationships with loved ones and career success, and, of course, lack of problems with health.

Let's figure out what love for me ? To do this, refer to your being. We have our beautiful body, our mind, our emotions, our spirit ... and all this very much needs our joyful care, attention and love. Our little girl inside really wants to be heard, waiting for praise and gifts. And instead constantly hears: "No", "not now", "we are already too old for this", "I have to sacrifice myself", "The most important thing is to take care of loved ones."

Let's begin to take care of yourself: about your body, about your mood, about your development and your soul!

Love for yourself is not egoism. It can, of course, be selfish, but it depends on the quality of the person of the person himself.

2. Remember that Man loves her eyes and requires attention . Updated appearance, well-kept leather, smooth hair and a pleasant aroma, coming from you - all this is very important for your husband.

There is an important rule: when the husband comes home, it is important for the first 20 minutes to give him his time. Men often complain that in marriage a woman gradually forgets this rule, opens the door in an old coat, begins a meeting with complaints about children, with negative information. Ask yourself a question: why a man comes home after a hard work day? He needs resources. He needs to replenish his vitality. And if he does not get it, he will go to another place.

3. . Interested Intimate life : Explore the world of sensual pleasures together, read the tantra, novelties in the field of sex. Feel free to visit interesting trainings on this topic, go to the sex shop. Many marital couple agree that the spouses make love no longer as often as our ancestors did before. Some refers to fatigue at work, others - on supposedly the lack of opportunity to safely have sex due to the advent of the child or for other reasons. However, it should be understood that regular intimate life brings together spouses, allows them to feel one whole and also eliminates possible temptations "on the side". Think about your female health and in no case become the "Mother of Teresa" and the "victim" with the program: all for children! After all, your child can stay without a father. Look really on the situation: is there really the reason that you someone or something prevents you with love, or there are deeper layers, and you yourself are afraid to admit yourself that just maybe you do not want? And if it is so, it is very important to understand this problem. It is necessary to contact a specialist - a psychologist or a sexologist - and solve all these problems. If you are unhealthy (no matter, or something in your female body goes wrong), you should not hide it from my husband. Otherwise, he will think that you do not want it, and starts offended by you.

Intimate life is not only directly sex itself, it is stroking her husband, tenderness to it, easy massage while watching the film. This is the same energy and tactile contact that is so necessary for a married couple. Love each other and with joy and creativity, find new and interesting moments to diversify your family life.

four. Learn go to conflict and correctly make complaints. Help each other to negotiate. And, of course, never criticize your husband in the presence of other people or relatives. Men's psyche is very raw. His ego can be understood, and as a result, problems will begin in the same intimate sphere, and the desire to be with a woman "who does not respect him" can permanently!

5. Always stay for your husband a little mysterious , May you have your own hobby, your female secrets. Change your image more often. Sometimes be "coquette", sometimes "Woman-Vamp", sometimes airy fairy, light and cheerful, and sometimes a cute simple "girl", all this will help diversify your joint life, because a woman is always a little actress.

6. Do not be afraid to lose your man and Do not humiliate yourself with jealousy . Be wise. Do not compare yourself with other women. It is necessary to decide once and for all for yourself that you are the most worthy and wonderful wife and mother. Your thoughts have the opportunity to materialize, so do not catch up with the negative. At the same time, stay vigilant to your family moods. Support emotional contact with your husband, watch his interests and mood. And if that, watch the first point: Love yourself. If a woman herself is not interested in himself, she is not interesting and her husband. When one of my clients began to suspect her husband in losing interest (and perhaps in treason), the first thing we started to do is resurrecting a woman in it. And they drew all the attention and energy to her itself. And so when she began to bloom unexpectedly (made energy practices, he led themselves in order, her eyes glowed with sexual energy), her own husband was worried, did she find someone who was she who had suddenly became so happy and beautiful? And praised to her passion like in a honeymoon.

7. It is important to give a man to feel like a "earfed" . Let it make decisions (even if this solution is yours). Praise more and support it, especially with friends and girlfriends, as if by chance. And of course, help him understand you. Speak about your desires and preferences. After all, he also wants to be necessary and loved for you,

Remember that relationships are therefore called "mutual", since this desire to be together both partners is mutual participation in your life together. Therefore, sometimes we can teach our male to build a happy relationship. And let you be welcome for each other for many years!

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