Anastasia Zadorozhnaya: "Topless remains a couple of times.


On this and many other questions Nastya Zadorozhnaya responded in its new video "I feel (body)". Meets with the singer and actress and found out the details.

- Nastya, in the plot, your heroine with girlfriends are stuck in all serious. You were a co-author of the script. Adventure invented or took stories from life?

- All the most funny, as a rule, the experience is confirmed. So yes. There are real episodes from life. There are professionally invented Sketchs from Ida Galich (famous blogger. - Ed.). In general, write and implement a truly funny scenario incredibly difficult. Several months nothing worked, I even even start my hands. But at one point there were stars, thoughts, idea ...

- Nastya, and you yourself can remember your most crazy deed?

- Is that small pranks. Giroby. To go, for example, on a calm quiet dinner with a friend, and in the morning to be with her in St. Petersburg, for example, and continue the spontaneous adventure is with pleasure!

The girlfriends of the heroine of the dattern in the video played the famous blogger Ida Galich and actress Daria Kolpikov

The girlfriends of the heroine of the dattern in the video played the famous blogger Ida Galich and actress Daria Kolpikov

Photo: Alla Rodionova

- Can a new clip name the record-shift? After all, he turned out to be the longest in your career.

- It is good that now there is no hard framework of timekeeping! And you can turn a little, throw out the painful, so to speak. I am very glad that I can use my professional movie casts in a musical format. And also open new talented persons who play an important role in all this story.

- In the video you have pretty frank outfits. How did you feel in them?

- Well, not so they are frank. (Smiles.) I had an experience much more piquant! Yes, and did not put the goals to bargain for a considerable effect. Although the topless a couple of times I was left in the cast, but it won't go into installation - and unfortunately, and fortunately! The last time I shonened at the shooting a month ago, in front of Yuri Nikolayevich Studanov, when the phrase flew out of his head! Immediately everything was very comfortable!

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