Take me with you: pros and cons relationships at a distance


Olga Kazachenko collided with escapes in social networks after it became known that the girl meets with Stepan Gigarkhanyan. Criticism became so unbearable that the beloved suggested Kazachenko to move to the United States.

Most recently, a woman appeared in the life of lovers, who stated that she had a love relationship with Dzhigarkhani. Such stories are strongly touched by Olga. A woman is difficult to accept the fact that neither her nor Stepan can leave alone.

Now Stepan lives in the States, it is extremely rare in Russia, so Chachenko spends most of the time away from his man, but it's not in a hurry to Gigarhahanyan to America, because according to her, she cannot leave a child and parents here - if you move , then all together.

The relationship at a distance is not easy, because each of the halves does not know how the beloved person spends time. Without each pair copes with temptations, which leads to the complete collapse of relations. We decided to find out what the pros and cons are waiting for those who decided to let go of their half into another city or even another country for a long time.

What are the advantages?

Free time

While you have time, you can completely devote it to yourself. Surely as soon as you enter into relationships, your hobby, care about yourself go to the background? If this is the time, it's time to visit the massage session that you have been postponed for a long time, or finally sign up for your dream courses.

You have something to talk about

Given the amount of time that you have away from your half, probably in your life there is a lot of interesting things, which one could tell the partner at the other end of the country. In addition, when you do not communicate every day, you begin to miss this communication, so every notice of calling or message becomes almost an event.

Life does not agar

Most quarrels occur on the basis of household conflicts, it is difficult to argue with it. Daily routine is able to break even the strongest relationships. While you are in the forced separation, life does not threaten you, and the romance does not disappear anywhere.

What are the minuses?

The future becomes blurry

The main problem of such relations is that it is quite difficult to plan even the next half a year. If you are not yet married, the development of relationships is under a big question, but each case is individual and, perhaps, your big love kilometers is not a hindrance.

Each of you becomes too independent

In the case of long-term separation, person gets used to solving all the problems itself, which will be very disturbed when you start living together again. Your partner or personally you will be constantly annoying about the fact that someone is trying to get out and solve all the questions. A person ceases to need a relationship, because he is used to live independently.

You will be constantly criticized

Many people are difficult to understand how to consist in relationships and at the same time be actually one. Get ready for questions from relatives, friends and colleagues who will be chopped, right whether you keep loyal to the partner and "didn't there be a closer look?"

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