Wake up and sing: how to sleep and awaken


"It's time, beauty, wake up," my Muse brake carefully brake. "At the dawn, you are not boudes," the author of the notorious romance advised. We are so often awakening, and every time differently. And how to do it right?

We sleep almost a third of your life, but not always serene. Sleep, like our entire body, agrees and becomes shorter, with long falling asleep and frequent awakening. There are objective factors, such as a race tracking staircase chairs with your own health. "Over the past twenty years, our sleep has decreased by two hours," the experts are beyond the alarm.

Bird Trel.

The time of awakening depends on who you are - owl, larks or dove. However, we will not put a cross on yourself: in its pure form, only 15% of the inhabitants of the Earth are suitable for the first two definitions. Most people are pigeons. Like the birds of the world, they do not live in one day a given rhythm and easily adapt to changing the mode. However, even their ability to adapt has limits.

As you know, after opening by Edison electricity, night shifts appeared. But together with the lights the same generation were invented tablets from insomnia. Like to employers or not, we must "sleep" our seven and a half hours. It should not be equal to Napoleon's Bonaparte, who once remarked: "The man is sleeping for four hours, five - a woman, six - idiot" (his words were almost anthem for people who preach the harm of a long sleep). The optimal mode of normal sleep determined the nature itself - from sunset to dawn. "We go to bed, and wake up with roosters" - nothing can be done, folk wisdom.

Most people are pigeons capable of adapting to changing the mode

Most people are pigeons capable of adapting to changing the mode

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Multicolored prophetic dreams

Sleep is organized cyclically, and each of its phase is repeated with an interval of approximately one and a half hours. During the night, an adult is replaced from four to six phases. At their end, awakening will always be easier. What is it connected with? So that each cycle is completed by a period of dreams, otherwise - a phase of fast sleep. 85% of dreams man sees in this phase. At such moments, the mental activity of the body increases. The processing of obtained information is organized, day-to-face problems are solved at the subconscious level. That is why from sleeping with dreams to wake up easily, and from the deep fourth stage we return to the real world by dissatisfied and aggressive.

Black and white sleep usually characterizes an attempt to solve the problem. But events are observed as if by the side, the sleep itself does not participate in them. Everything happens, as if on the film amateur chamber. In a deep color sleep, the sleeping most often participates in itself and, it means, personally affects the course of events. Wagner, Tchaikovsky, Goethe, Tolstoy, Mayakovsky wrote about some insights that occurred with them during sleep. And the opening of the Mendeleev periodic table is generally the main argument of any lessel!

Gymnastics under the blanket

Worse than the sound of a foreign car alarm, only the sound of your own alarm clock near the ear. The heart begins to bloom so that there is a threat to break the ribs about him. Eh, no, so it will not go. Remember the theory of rational egoism. You need to love yourself! Do not save on things that provide comfort. Get yourself alarm clock with a gradual increase in volume.

Ideally, albeit with a low-cost, get up recommended with dawn. It is curious that, while the eyes are closed, we already feel the beginning of the day and preparing for awakening.

After waking up, do not rush to pop up from under the blanket

After waking up, do not rush to pop up from under the blanket

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Do not rush to pop up from under the blanket on fresh air. On the contrary, lie on the back and climb. Remember how dogs and cats behave when they melt their shaggy limbs in different directions, becoming almost twice as long. While the muscles are warm, repeat the animal charging, then turn around like a snake, - Pull the spine (he, long-suffering, so much goes in one lived day - heels, bags, uncomfortable chairs). Then get slowly up. If there are crossbar in the house, you can hang two minutes on it: just do not jump immediately to the floor, but carefully descend along the wall - stretched muscles must hold the vertebrae in perfect condition. Finally, proceed to water procedures. By the way, contrary to the agitrasscale about the disciplined guys-October, it is no need for ice water. No, the body, of course, is mobilized in the stressful situation, but its ability is not limitless. The moment will come when it develops its resource of patience and breaks from the most insignificant infection.

Do not play hormone!

Revealed eyes? So keep them open. Simply put: "Leaving - go, getting up - get up!" Morning begins with the awakening of hormones, one of which is stressful cortisol - prepares a person to active activities. Repeated falling asleep against the backdrop of cloudy hormones will lead to the general breakdown, at worst - to the irritable migraine.

By the way, there is a right way to raise the tone, for which it is not a pity, - morning sex. For women, he is rather plus than minus. It is known that during the Olympiad athletes require sex, and this brings them the desired medals in contrast to men, whose results for some reason fall after sex with these athletes.

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