Sports inventory: We collect cosmetics in the hall, swimming pool and sauna


"On sports, you are peace!", As well as beauty, health and energy. Sporting loads have long become a mandatory point of beauty program: Aerobics, gym and swimming have a beneficial effect not only on our figure, but also on the skin of the face and body. But it is important to remember: any medal has two sides.

We feel the positive impact of sports loads not only on the physical, but also a mental level (which, of course, affects our appearance). Active girls are easier to cope with stress, they have much less often depression develops. Sports classes help to suppress the hormone of stress, cortisol, - therefore, in the "Common Street" it becomes less than the Hormon of Happiness of Endorphin. So tips: "Sad - go to the gym!" - have a justification. So that undoubted advantages do not die before possible minuses, it is important to carefully and competently assemble the bag into the pool, on yoga or dance class. Minimalism and Ascape here are inappropriate: it is important to take care of the hair (especially if you are swimming), the skin of the face and body, nails and hygiene of the intimate area.

In the pool

The main beauty rule that should be adhered to even the most avid fans of decorative cosmetics, - no makeup on the tracks! First, it makes no sense: even the most that there is no water resistant tools after an active swimming hours will give their positions. Secondly, innocuous decorative products can enter into an unpredictable reaction with the very chlorine that is full of pools of our country.

But the protective cream or serum can be applied and needed. Well, if there will be intensively moisturizing components in their composition, which will help locate moisture and strengthen the natural protection of the epidermis. Apply products after a shower that anticipates the hike to the pool. It should be done not only for hygiene purposes, but also to prepare a person and body to chlorinated water. Pre-moisturized skin covers are worse than the reagents, therefore, less chances for peeling and discomfort. The water temperature should be room. No hot bathtubs - so you will open the pores and give chlorine green light.

So unloved by many caps - a prerequisite stay in the pool. Most confident that these unsightly rubber products serve exclusively to protect the hair from moisture: they say, after a swim, the curls do not have to wash, it means that I will save time for fees. But first of all, a tightly tight cap protects the bulbs and the tips of the hair from the same chlorine that is capable of drying the most healthy strands. To protect the hair, you can apply under the cap the usual hair balsam. Those who are engaged in swimming seriously, it is worth paying attention to serums that have exceptional protective properties. Even if there is quite a bit of water under the cap, you will have to wash your hair with a special shampoo and do not forget about the air conditioner.

After swimming hike in the shower - the procedure is mandatory. It is important to thoroughly wash off the body and face all rigid reagents. We exclude from the process with braking particles and hard gels: our skin has suffered so long, and now you need to calm her gentle formulas. It is possible to include in the ritual of cleansing products with antibacterial components that prevent rashes on the chest and back. Alas, but such a reaction to rigid water is not uncommon, and it should be stopped at the very beginning.

Already in the locker room to restore the water balance of the skin of the face and body, use solid oils (coconut, carite), favorite moisturizing creams and fluids. Wet hair can be sprinkled with insideable air conditioning or use light oil for hair tips - this will prevent their cross-section. Separately it is worth taking care of the beauty and eye health. Just a few drops to cause swelling and the redness of the delicate skin of the eyelid, and the mucosa can become a victim of allergic conjunctivitis. By the way, in defense needs a nail plate, which under the influence of chlorine can be lazy and break. Preventive applying top covering necessarily.

In the gym and sauna

How do you start your workout? Someone slowly warms up, someone languishes waiting for the beginning of group classes. Cosmetologists strongly recommend starting with careful skin cleansing. During intensive physical exertion, we sweat, and if day dust, other contaminants, makeup remains are mixed during this natural detox, be prepared for rashes. Many girls with problem skin blame the direct sports activities in the root are incorrect. Gymnastics is useful in the fight against acne and other dermatological problems, but it is important to competently prepare the skin for loads. If you can not imagine yourself with a "naked" face surrounded by other visitors to the fitness club, after careful cleansing, use tinting agents with light mineral textures that do not score pores. Of course, after classes, you need to take a shower or at least wash, then apply a moisturizing cream. Cosmetologists and ophthalmologists do not prevent strict requirements to make eyes. It is important to use the waterproof and fatty cosmetics that does not swim after the first approach or a ten-minute warm-up. Nutritious balsams are suitable for lips. If you want to be in all its glory, use tinting textures - they are lightweight, persistent and apply both on the lips and on the cheeks.

Very often after swimming, the yoga session or the gym We love to relax in the sauna or a bathroom. The main cosmetology function of these "hot spots" is a deep cleansing of the skin. High temperatures and the effects of steam make it time to work as much as possible, the blood circulation is enhanced, and sweat and sebaceous glands begin to work more intensively. Remember: you can only enter the steam room after the shower (even if you did not work in sports before that). The contaminated surface of the epidermis - the remains of cosmetics, dust from then slow down all the detox processes. After the steam room, it is important to feed the skin with active substances. After all water procedures, apply nutrient oil or light lotion on the body, and the face will please your favorite cream or light fluid. It is important to take care of the protection of hair from the effects of elevated temperatures. With this, your familiar heat protection spray can cope with that you handle strands before drying the hairdryer. And remember: all sports classes are threatened with dehydration, if it does not replenish the hydrobalance on time. Bottled water must be present in any sports bag!

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