Get out of dusk: how to succumb to depression


To the wife of Prince Harry from the very beginning of her relationship with the heir of the throne, the public exhibits increased attention. Megan is not accustomed to a constant surveillance, because at home now the Duchess was quite a successful actress, which had a lot of fans. However, her words in one of the last interviews, according to insiders, provoked the depressive mood of Harry.

The thing is that Megan admitted that life in England under the constant sight of the cameras and under the press of articles in the tabloids strongly strains it. Even working actress in the USA, she did not experience such an oppression from the press. The Dukes approximate to the family say that young people are thinking about moving to the United States for permanent residence. But the complexity is that in this case Harry will have to abandon his title. We hope, the oppressed state of the prince will correct a qualified specialist and Megan with Harry will not lose the royal privileges.

Depressive condition is familiar with almost everyone from us. Most manage to cope with him independently, but sometimes help is simply necessary. We offer several tips from who can help cope with the first manifestations of a negative mood, but if you feel that you yourself do not cope, do not pull a visit to the specialist.

Realize that you have a problem

You may seem that today is just a bad day or the events of the week so negatively affect your condition. Perhaps, but when this condition does not let you go to months, it is impossible to pretend that everything is fine already. The sooner you are aware of the need for help, the faster you will handle the negative.

Contact a competent psychotherapist

Many neglect the services of psychologists and psychotherapists, believing that people are addressed by special categories. Very vain. In some cases, depressions cannot be defeated by one suggestion that everything will be fine. It is important to understand that this is the same disease as an angina, only the body suffers, and the psyche. Leave everything as it is and think that everything will be held by itself - a big mistake. Depression has a progression property.

Filter your environment

Many of your friends simply do not understand how difficult the condition may be, so you will hear more often from such people: "Do not worry," "You cheat yourself", etc. How do you understand, such a company will not help you distinguish from sad Thoughts and will develop a feeling of insecurity in you, because you will have to hint in every way that your reactions are not normal. Try not to devote such people to all aspects of your life, if you know that there is a criticism.

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