Nargiz Zakirova: "It's not in my character to part with my husbands as enemies"


In the last century, the surname Zakirov thundered to the entire Soviet Union. This dynasty began with the most famous Barite Karim Zakirova, the soloist of the Uzbek Opera and Ballet Theater named after Alisher Navoi, and his spousers of Saidovoy, universal artist, famous not only to their vocals, plastics and dancing, but also in the gift of Clounes. It is not surprising that all six children of this couple - Batyr, Louise, Farruh, Jamshid, Mauffal and Ravshan - chose creative professions. Troy achieved the greatest success. Farruh became a soloist popular in the USSR of the group "Yalla" (their "studies" sowed from Moscow to the most before the outskirts). Batyr did not limit himself to the career of the film acter (among his roles it is worth noting a multi-seater film "Fire Roads", he was often shown on television before the start of the restructuring) and became a popular singer. Often he spoke with the younger sister Louise, also a talented vocalist. By the way, she met her narrowed, it could be said on stage: the new drummer Patula Mordukhaev came to their musical team, for some reason Antipathy, and Louise immediately emerged, rapidly emerging in love. And in 1971, the girl who parents wanted to mash Camilla was born in this union. But grandfather, the greatest baritone, taking a newborn granddaughter in his hands, authoritatively stated: "What is it Camilla?! This is Nargiz! " It seemed that he did not just gave the name of the future star, but also awarded it with a strong character and bright fate.

Nargiz Zakirova: "I was five years old when my grandfather was not. But I remember him perfectly, because when my parents left for touring, I left my grandmother with grandfather. He told me fairy tales for the night, which he himself came up, wonderfully voiced every character. I could listen to his history for hours. In general, he treated me very much. When came from work, always brought delicacy. And he spent all his free time in the garden. Cherry and cherry, and peaches grew there. What was not there! "

You were only four years old when your creative debut took place. How did this happen?

Nargiz: "My mother was engaged in the program of the Tashkent Music Hall" Syndbad-Seavido ", which was put on my uncle Batyr Zakirov together with Mark Zakharov. She played the bride of the main hero. Of course, I knew this performance by heart. During rehearsals, standing behind the scenes, sang actors. And penetrating into the dressing room, tried in front of the mirror suits, dreaming about the scene. My starry hour has arrived when dolls introduced into the musical. They ruled the doll. So the character of Hippo Katya appeared - a little girl who was supposed to perform a "smile" song. They began to decide who from the artists will be able to voice it with a childish voice. While adults discussed this question, I spinled near them and sang, trying to attract attention in this way. And my mother suggested: "And let's try Nargiz!" I was listened and approved. My joy was not the limit - I had a room! I performed a song behind the scenes, and then took me on the scene and represented the public: "Little Nargiz Zakirova sang for the Hippo.

Beauty Artist found his happiness only in the third marriage. But no complaints about former husbands express. Photo: Personal archive Nargiz Zakirova.

Beauty Artist found his happiness only in the third marriage. But no complaints about former husbands express. Photo: Personal archive Nargiz Zakirova.

And at a fifteenth age, you have already performed at the most famous festival of young performers "Jurmala" in the Soviet Union. And they say that if not intrigue, you could deserve to get the main prize ...

Nargiz: "This does not quite correspond to reality. On "Jurmala 86" I really was the most young member. And it's wrong to talk about what I was abandoned. I sang well. But among the contestants there were many good professional performers. For example, Olga Kormukhin. It was then that her star was lit. They looked more stronger than me, and deserve their awards. This is an objective assessment. I then awarded the audience sympathy. In my opinion, a very worthy award. "

It seems that you have not only professional, but also a personal life is connected with the song. You have long performed with your first spouse. With him, too, introduced the scene?

Nargiz: "No. Before Ruslan met, we did not work together. If you remember, once there was such a Swedish ensemble "Europe", at the time very popular worldwide. We in Tashkent had its own analogue of Europe - the "Byte" group. Beautiful young long-haired guys performed interesting music. Of course, I was heard about this team, I saw their performances, I liked them, but our creative paths did not somehow crossed. And once it happened that we had to rehearse on the same day on one day. Then we first met, the conversation began. And between me and the soloist of this group, Ruslany Sharipov, as if the spark ran. For some reason my eighteen years it seemed to me that I was insanely in love. And after a month and a half we got married. "

And then began to work together?

Nargiz: "Yes. Although his whole team was against. They were confident that with the advent of a woman, nothing good team is not waiting. Then Ruslan left the group, and we began to speak with him together. And then I gave him the daughter of Sabina. Now she has been twenty-four years old. And I am very grateful to him for everything that we had good, including child. We broke up in kind, without scandals and litigation. There is no such thing at all in the character to treat your former spouses as enemies. "

Nargiz Zakirova:

"Recent years have not cost without severe losses. Hurricane, raging in New York, inflicted our family serious damage. The pictures written by me were killed, but the death of Pope became the biggest tragedy. " Photo: Personal archive Nargiz Zakirova.

And how many times have you been married?

Nargiz: "Now I have a third marriage."

If it's not a secret, what caused the first divorce?

Nargiz: "I was in a position and for a health condition could not go on tour. Ruslan went alone. I waited for him, we called every day and about a few hours talked, he wrote to me letters. I was confident in him as in myself. Maybe because of my younger age, I have idealized our relationship somewhat. It seemed to me, this is love for life, like John Lennon and Yoko it. And he, as well as me, no one else is needed. And then, when the husband returned, I learned that all this time he cheated. I did not expect betrayal. Then in my soul something was abandoned. After that, a daughter appeared on the world, but our relationship was no longer the same. We began to work separately. Drouched with concerts, without seeing for several months, and when they met at home, there was no feeling that near you had a close and native person. Then I decided that it was not worth existing more than this marriage, and we were separated. "

Did Ruslan communicated with his daughter, after you broke up?

Nargiz: "From the moment, in 1995 we moved to the USA, he called only four times. But I will not reproach him for it. In general, I do not want to somehow turn it out or criticize, because, as I said, I treat him normally, despite the fact that there was a distance. Still, he is not one, many men do not see anything crazy in such behavior and live just like this. You just asked a question, and I honestly answered. "

Nargiz parents adopted Philip in a family with open arms. And bribed them is not his charging voice, but a strong and sincere love for their daughter. Photo: Personal archive Nargiz Zakirova.

Nargiz parents adopted Philip in a family with open arms. And bribed them is not his charging voice, but a strong and sincere love for their daughter. Photo: Personal archive Nargiz Zakirova.

And with your second husband you met already in America?

Nargiz: "No, we met in Tashkent. Ernur Kanaibekov arrived from Kazakhstan as part of the delegation, which was supposed to take the participants to the "Voice Asia" contest. I was on listening, there we saw for the first time. Loved each other. Got married. And together moved to the United States. But in 1997 misfortune happened - he died in a car accident. At that time, our son Awely turned two and a half years. "

Why did you decide to leave Uzbekistan, especially at the peak of your popularity in the homeland?

Nargiz: "My Father's brother for six to our departure moved to the States with his family and persuaded us for a long time to follow his example. First, he really missed my dad, after all, the only brother, besides, he was sure that we would be better there. Of course, I rested how it could, when the parents accepted this decision, but then understood the rationality of this act. "

How was your adaptation abroad? Everything went easily or faced with difficulties?

Nargiz: "The first time for us it was hell. Because we arrived, not knowing the language. For example, I learned French at school. At that time I was pregnant with a second child. This provision, of course, is accompanied by a permanent visit to the clinic, surveillance from the doctor. And imagine what it is: doctors talk to you, and you absolutely do not understand what they tell you. After these visits, I was on the verge of hysterical. And the daughter, which at that time was six years old, went to school and first returned home with tears in his eyes - for the same reason. Even once, she was in a lesson, wanted to the toilet, could not ask the teacher to leave the class and, not saturate, went under himself. She was very worried because of the language barrier. But Sabina has been pretty quickly, it has been well enough to owner English through the months. I have this process, of course, took more time. I specifically watched American television, listened to the radio and gradually reached such a stage, which I knew my speech perfectly, but I myself could not say anything, because he was shy. Then one friend advised: "Do not be afraid to make a mistake. You are in America, looking around, many people live here, for which this language is also foreign, and no one is embarrassed if it says words not quite correctly or makes misses in grammar. If you make a mistake, you will correct. " I so began to do, and as a result, I now have such a language that I sometimes forget the Russian words. "

And Uzbek not forgotten?

Nargiz: "I understand well in Uzbek, but I can't say anything. I know only some separate words. The fact is that we have always communicated in Russian at home. And even if I once said something in orphanage at the Uzbek language, it turned out with me with an accent. "

Nargiz about tattoos and shaved head dreamed of childhood. But in Uzbekistan it was impossible. Photo: Personal archive Nargiz Zakirova.

Nargiz about tattoos and shaved head dreamed of childhood. But in Uzbekistan it was impossible. Photo: Personal archive Nargiz Zakirova.

Having moved to New York, did you continue your creative career?

Nargiz: "No. First time I did not sing. After Tashkent, where I was recognized on the streets, to be in America, in a different environment where there is no familiar popularity and the opportunity to do your favorite thing - this is, of course, shock. But at the age of twenty-five, I perfectly realized that this is another country, you can say, a different planet, and here I will have to start everything from a blank sheet. And only give birth to the Son, I decided to get a job. Find yourself some place associated with music, and did not dream. Moreover, I did not even know where to turn on the issue of employment. I was looking for any job: I walked from one trading point to another, offered my services until I turned to the salon where video tapes were sold. And he turned out to be a Russian store. And there they accepted me. I coped well, because I love very much and I know the movies. And therefore I was pretty easy to figure out what kind of film to recommend a person to some kind of person. But, on the other hand, it was also hard, because I needed to open the store in the morning, close in the evening, my responsibilities were also cleaning and sending parcels if the order came by mail. I returned home very tired, I had one a week weekend, and all this was paid at the lowest tariff - two and a half dollar per hour. Plus, my husband brought to me to work a child, and I fed it with breasts. Of course, it was not easy at the beginning. "

And how do you come back to music?

Nargiz: "In 1997, shortly before the death, my husband Ernur invited me to a restaurant, where he celebrated his friend's birthday. He immediately told me that in this place there was some striking singer. And, I confess, I was surprised at what level the musicians worked there - the strongest professionals. And in the voice of the singer, about whom I spoke my spouse was impossible not to fall in love ... During the feast, the familiar asked me to speak, I performed a song. And then the owner of this institution approached me and suggested a permanent job. So I once again started singing ... And in 2001, already more confidently standing on my feet, I recorded the album "Golden Cell". By the way, the unique singer, Philip, who impressed me so that evening, subsequently became my husband. And we have a wonderful daughter Leila. "

You have three children. Are they similar to among themselves in nature than they do and is it going to continue the creative dynasty?

Nargiz: "They have a common feature - they are very kind, with huge hearts. And otherwise they are different in the nature that it does not prevent them in literally to adore each other and understand perfectly. And of course, all three love music. The eldest daughter sings well, but does it, as they say, for himself. Now she is twenty-four years old, she graduated from school with grief in half. She is an informat girl - he is engaged in philosophy, Buddhism, Esoteric. She absolutely no matter if there will be no electricity or money in the house, she lives in some kind of world. I would compare it with hippie, but the leading healthy lifestyle, without drugs and alcohol. She has amazing logic, for this reason I will never need a psychologist, "it's enough to talk to Sabina, which will quickly decompose everything on the shelves. At the moment it categorically refuses to work or learn somewhere. "

And son?

Nargiz: "Awel (he is now eighteen years old) - actor. In the theater, he began to play from the sixth grade. And now it is also studying on the director. About these two professions he dreamed of childhood. Although one time I thought he would grow by an artist-minimalist. At a young age, he painted the little men, the heroes, whom he had invented himself, while on a small face could be perfectly reading all emotions. Such as my son, here is called botan, but at the same time he is very clever and talented. Leila, the youngest daughter, who will soon turn fourteen years old, sings great, it can already be displayed on the stage, but, unfortunately, it does not feel about it. Says: "It cannot be the main profession in life." And he wants to become a meteorologist. This desire appeared not by chance. When Leila was small, she was very afraid of a strong thunderstorm, thunder. It turned up to the fact that the girl was pale, she began to nauseate. And ultimately, over time she decided to see his fear into the eyes, for which she began to study this science. Although at the same time she also dances, and plays many musical instruments, has a stunning sense of humor. "

In children singer (from left to right: Leila, Awel, Sabina) Different fathers. Despite this, they adore and understand each other. Photo: Personal archive Nargiz Zakirova.

In children singer (from left to right: Leila, Awel, Sabina) Different fathers. Despite this, they adore and understand each other. Photo: Personal archive Nargiz Zakirova.

I remember how you looked at the eighty-sixth year at Jurmala, so I can't help but ask: how did you decide to part with such luxurious hair?

Nargiz: "It happened immediately, in one day, although I went to this with eight years. If you remember, the Italian festival in San Remo was very popular in the USSR. And on this teleconcourt I saw the performer who made an indelible impression on me, it was Anna Oksa. Beautiful woman, awesome voice. I remember her first appearance on stage: she is in a long raincoat, and on the head a wide beautiful hood covering half of the face. She began to sing and at some point threw off the hood, and it turned out that she shared naked. I then seemed to me that this was the most charming woman in the world, and I thought that someday the last example of her. But no one would beat the eight-year-old girl, especially in Uzbekistan. I dreamed about it for a long time. And once, already living in the States, I got up in the morning and began to cut my hair. When Philippe saw it, he had a shock, but he said: "Well, come on!" And shaved me naked. I looked in the mirror, I almost fainted and burst out. And suddenly the husband says: "Wait, now I need to leave, I will soon come back." I'm trying to stop him: I'm so bad, and he gathered somewhere ... But after all, Philip left, though, soon he returned ... Just the shaggy. "

Where did the body-art and tattoo come from?

Nargiz: "It always interested me. In Uzbekistan, I had a desire to make a tattoo, but, alas, because at that time it was not otherwise called, and only criminal elements were decorated themselves, I could not afford it. But arriving in the US, the first thing did a tattoo - the sign of Omkar (the sign of peace and freedom) on his left hand. The second followed over it, then the third tattoo. And after some time I wanted to master this skill himself. He appealed to the cabin near the house. The artist agreed to train me: every day I came to him and watched his work, and he explained to me in parallel, like that and what needle it should be done. So lasted for more than a year. Finally, the master said: "Well, if you want to try to make a tattoo yourself, you need to bring someone from familiar who is willing to trust your body." Of course, my husband was experiencing experimentally. "

Well, how was the experiment?

Nargiz: "First, I was terribly worried. Secondly, my husband does not tolerate needles. So it turned out: he was trembling his leg, and I have hands, and I screamed at him: "If you don't stop twitching, I will succeed in a little that!" But, fortunately, everything ended fine. The master looked at the result and said: "Well done, and now you will sit and see how you need to do it!" True, then he began to trust independent work. And in addition to this, I learned to make piercing. "

And your spouse, given this experience, limited to one tattoo?

Nargiz: "No, now he has three of them. And everyone is naked with me. Since I do not trust Philippe to anyone. True, he once said that if not for me, he probably would never have decided even one-only tattoo. "

Now you are in Russia for a long time, and the husband and children are in the United States. How do they cope without you? On com farm?

Nargiz: "Sabina has long been living with a boyfriend. And the Son, after my dad left the life and Mom left alone, decided to move to grandmother. It is very good for her. Just needed. The youngest daughter remained with my husband. In general, I must say that my households are independent people. They support me, and that I am less worried about them, say: "Do not worry. Now your time! "

Why did you prefer the draft first channel "voice" project "X-factor", known all over the world?

Nargiz: "It turned out that on the show" X-factor "I passed three qualifying rounds. It seems I have received the right to participate in this competition. But it was necessary to wait for a call that would confirm it. And before the Americans managed to call, a proposal from "Voice" was received. And since I have long wanted to speak in Russia, immediately responded to the offer of the first channel. "

And where did you find out about this project?

Nargiz: "Once by chance, I saw advertising on the Russian television, which we look in America. I was interested in this show the fact that there is neither age nor appearance, only a voice is important. I immediately sat down at the computer, filled out the questionnaire on the site, sent my records and photos. And soon I was called back. I did not even expect to be honest. Participation in this show gave me a lot. Firstly, I'm with great pleasure I'll get acquainted, glad to acquire new friends, is always open for communication. But the main thing is the feeling that you went to the professional scene, near the living orchestra, and listening to you a multi-million audience. What could be better for the singer?! "

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