Shave sleep to become a millionaire


You can be a steep professional with diplomas of two prestigious universities and three languages, have an incredible charisma, it is easy to find a common language with people and even easily rub them in trust. And with such a luggage of knowledge and skills, consider a penny from salaries to a salary, occupying a poorly paid position in a spent institution. Money will run from you, because you are a weak man.

And dollars, pounds, francs, yuan and even Mongolian tugresses love people strong and energetic, because in essence they themselves are energy. And very powerful and powerful. To tame, and even more so manage it, maybe we will repeat, only a person is strong. Not muscles, but the Spirit that produces its own energy to this power, that it, like a magnet, attracts the energies of others, including money. It is these Lords that with the authorities and for money, it is customary to call the strong world of this world. But why, for example, money drew attention to the poor, without a kind of tribe, the syrotrot Abramovich, still lipped to him, but avoid others? And what needs to be done to love you?

The greatest trick in taking the dennaunation is to become energetically strong, activate that energy that is given to you from birth. This, of course, is not very simple. Sometimes it is necessary to simply change the diet, and sometimes - friends, place of residence, profession. How to change what and for what - and recommend masters Feng Shui. True, for such painful, although incredibly effective, "procedures" are solved by a few. And in vain, because weak immunity and low energy is almost the same. Over time, anything will be tied, any nastyness - but not only money. However, with the second diagnosis of hospitals, alas, do not put.

And the person suffers from depression, apathy, lack of interest in life, other people and what is happening around is a sortical walking energy corpse. And the worst thing is that you clearly understand that everything adds out of the hands is bad, but there is not only forces to change anything, but even ideas how to do it, where to start. Why? The label of review, when you do not see the yield, even from the most simplest situation, narrows the low level of energy. By the way, so Feng Shui does not recommend sitting on a writing face to the wall. It is just as good when high trees or a neighboring building blocked overview from the windows. After all, behind them - the whole world, and you do not even guess ...

But how to get out of this blackout, not addressing the treatment to Feng Shui masters? In this case, we offer a very effective solution solving technique: you need to do something shocking for yourself. Let's say, shaving sleeping, fly to Australia, start painting with your left hand, sign up to the theater studio. That is, give a powerful push at your energies at you, wake them up - when a person stops the heart, doctors use a defibrillator ...

It is impossible to be "dead" during life. Most of us usually behave as if we are eternal: "Tomorrow I will start, tomorrow I will decide." There is no tomorrow: you will not do today - the train time will be traveled by. I think that precisely, people begin to do nonsense when they are under 60. They realize that there are not much time left, and they throw away the missed out of all his might. But already go through the sleepers - the last train has long gone.

Well, for a snack another useful recommendation: Watch for successful personnel, think about their habits and lifestyle. You will notice that they are distinguished by activity and living interest literally to everything. This is the key. Try to pass at least some of their habits. Money will not come to you until you become energetically strong.

Well, and add passions to your life to you, I hope, will help the next forecast of the most favorable days for certain events in the week from October 10 to 16.

Zhanna Wei, Master Feng Shui

October 10 - Today will win the one who knows how to compromise, to give up. Try to listen more, and not to speak - not for nothing we have two ear and just one mouth. On this day, it is not very good to visit a dentist, as well as plan any operations. If they cannot be transferred, strictly follow the recommendations of the doctors.

October 11 - Day of increased conflict. Today it is better to refrain from important conversations and negotiations, clarifying relationships. Turn into an introvert, "snail in the house", do it and your inner world. Do not provoke others, do not fall on provocations yourself.

October 12. - A wonderful day to start traveling, solving financial and personal issues, signing contracts, important purchases.

October 13. - Plan on this Thursday all routine affairs, because the energy of the day contributes to people with pedantic, scrupulous, meticulous, bored if you want. Do not scare - this is just one day.

October 14 - Be conscious on this day: if you plan to implement something, know how you do it and why you need it. If you do not have a clear plan, do not risk. Imagine that today you pass the exam before the strict admission committee, if you all know - there are no problems if you are unprepared - spend your own and someone else's time.

October 15 - A day favorable for weddings, especially for those couples where a woman plays a major role. Most pairs of marriage on this day went to such an important step.

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