5 actions of a man who are betrayal


The betrayal from the man is not only physical treason. In the list below, there are various kinds of problems in the relationship of men and women, but all of them can be described in one word - betrayal. If one or more points from the list are suitable for the description of the problems in your relationship, then the best solution will be at least to seriously talk to the partner. The list amounted to the psychologist Galina Yanko.

Galina Yanko

Galina Yanko

Friendship between the floors

Platonic relations, called friendship, may contain not very pleasant moments. Communication is a completely normal phenomenon, but where is the edge permitted? Night conversations, chat rooms, even if there is no intimate relationship between friends and they do not share the bed, friend and girlfriend can share family secrets, discuss personal life, including your actions. When he shares secrets with comrades - it's in order of things, but a healthy question can be born in your head: "Why should some other woman be aware of intimate moments with my man?" Friendly relationships should not scare you, but the disclosure of personal information and too much attention to someone else's woman for you is an unpleasant picture.


False is able to destroy any relationship. Secrets, inconsideration, even a lie to salvation - all this destroys the sincere relationship between people. Sincerity - what should be present between people, combined love or friendship. Sooner or later, a lie will become true, even if this does not happen, the risk is very large. When all the secret will become a jaw, a deceived partner will experience pain, becoming a victim of betrayal. If you notice that the man is inclined to chronic lies, perhaps he just needs your help and support, and for the permanent lies, children's injuries, lack of attention or frequent punishment. Perhaps as a child, he had to make validity.

False is able to destroy any relationship

False is able to destroy any relationship

Photo: unsplash.com.

Friendship counter

Remember when we were small, some children united in the coalition and began to be friends against others. So one who cannot agree with the partner or simply show an understanding complete with banal respect, begins to look for support among others. A man can start looking for like-minded people among his family and friends. It happens that it develops into constant attacks, and the strikers ruthlessly pour sacrifice by the claims of liters, and the victim, meanwhile, nowhere to look for support. At such moments, it is necessary to defend themselves, also considering the subordination framework, if a man fell against you with one of his family members. A close man, especially a man, should provide you with support, you should feel safe and come to him, getting into a stressful situation. For such behavior of a man lies total uncertainty in themselves, again, a great example will be small children and adolescents who often tell parents about the poor behavior of friends and classmates to look better in their eyes in their eyes and dads.

Manipulation with family, friends and money

In any way, there is a manipulation in one or another manifestation, it is quite difficult to do without it. It is not always bad if people are not trying to manipulate serious things when manipulation literally turns into a threat. Married couples and partners who are in long-term, close relationships often derive each other to the conflict on purpose. An emotional surge after and during a quarrel rarely brings sense of satisfaction with both its participants, although exceptions occur. Usually this is a script where a woman begins to cry, collect things, or a man screaming and leaves - all these actions are also manipulations. The betrayal can be considered cruel manipulations. For example, for refusing to obey his will, a man uses friends or family as a pressure lever. There are things that, definitely, cannot be used against each other.

A large number of secrets

It happens that you will learn some important news, one way or another associated with her husband, and ask the question of why he did not tell you anything about it? Secrets are ok, they have every person. What you tell a girlfriend, you will never tell her husband or a young man. There is a difference between reluctance to open (what kind of love can we talk about?) And the usual delimitation of available information. Recall the postulate on trust as the basis of harmony in the family.

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