Articles #843

Fish cutlets for a couple of Anna Semenovich

Fish cutlets for a couple of Anna Semenovich
"I take two kinds of fish - for example, salmon and halibut - and scroll into the meat grinder," says Anna Semenovich. - I add greens, be sure to put dill...

The art of oral sex: mistakes that most women do

The art of oral sex: mistakes that most women do
Let oral affairs and are not considered full sex, but they play a big role in the intimate life of partners. Women are quite often unusselly belong to...

I am 30, and I still are not married ...

I am 30, and I still are not married ...
This phrase, clearly and loudly, you infirmly hear from women. Most of the girlfriends at school, university and colleagues at work towards this age are...

Do You Speak English: Countries where English speak "other"

Do You Speak English: Countries where English speak "other"
Let you consider yourself a guru in English, you can freely communicate on literary topics with a pretty British in a cafe near the house, but it is worth...

Maxim Trankov: "At first there was a terrible surprise: this is Tanya with a belly, and here I have a child in my hands"

Maxim Trankov: "At first there was a terrible surprise: this is Tanya with a belly, and here I have a child in my hands"
Two-time Olympic champions in figure skating Tatyana Volosozhar and Maxim Trankov on February 16 became parents of a long-awaited daughter. The girl was...

Horoscope for September: do not rob in front of difficulties

Horoscope for September: do not rob in front of difficulties
AriesIn September, you will want to become a truth altruist and rush to the revenue almost the first oncoming. And this, of course, a good desire, but...

Ingrid Oerinskaya: "Friends call me 'Mother Teresa"

Ingrid Oerinskaya: "Friends call me 'Mother Teresa"
- What color do you associate yourself?- C blue, blue. He seems like the color of my eyes.- Somedo in the attack of rage you beat the dishes, the newspapers...

Open your talents: Ideas for gifts for the new year do it yourself

Open your talents: Ideas for gifts for the new year do it yourself
If you want to please friends and native original gift, you don't have anything left, how to make a gift with your own hands. We will tell some creative...

Transparent prints and textured belts - influential trends of this winter

Transparent prints and textured belts - influential trends of this winter
Transparent hintOn the street Snow and Food, but our soul asks something light, touching, elegant - and designers with joy and even some rebuppiness respond...

On the ears in debt: who from the stars forget to pay on accounts

On the ears in debt: who from the stars forget to pay on accounts
Today, the media is trying to the headlines about the debts of Olga Buzova. As it turned out, the debt on utility bills for the Petersburg apartment of...

5 myths about proper nutrition

5 myths about proper nutrition
Myth number 1.Brown sugar is useful than white, we think. But scientists were calculated that in it even one kilocaloria more than in the usual, the difference...

Poor mood is normal!

Poor mood is normal!
It all started with a short conversation at refueling with a friend. He asked how it was, and I responded in a habit that I was fine as always. "It only...

5 reasons to drink a cup of coffee

5 reasons to drink a cup of coffee
Reason No. 1 styleIn the morning, the resident of the metropolis is already difficult to imagine without a cup of coffee in his hands. Immediately visible...

Extreme or beach vacation: the test will decide that you are more suitable

Extreme or beach vacation: the test will decide that you are more suitable
Instead of brainstorming, we propose to decide using a simple dough. We realized that you love them to whit no less selence with places for unforgettable...

Right rest in the resort will help improve skin condition

Right rest in the resort will help improve skin condition
Here is our source of strength, health, beauty. But for some reason, truly magical properties of thermal and mineral springs are forgotten. Unfortunately,...

Explosion of emotions: how to stop sapping negative

Explosion of emotions: how to stop sapping negative
In the pace of modern life, there is hardly a person who has never experienced stress. If you constantly save the negative, the nervous disorder does not...