Articles #836

How did the movie "Wizards"

How did the movie "Wizards"
The initial scenario of the Strugatsky brothers was the transition of "bustle of fuss", the second part of the story "Monday begins on Saturday." However,...

Tigran Keosayan left Alena Khmelnitsky?

Tigran Keosayan left Alena Khmelnitsky?
The journalist of the Bozen Road in his social networks published a post that literally blew up the network. From the words of the message it follows that...

How easy it is to return to work after the holidays

How easy it is to return to work after the holidays
First, you do not need to devote all the ten days viewing the TV. Holidays and feast - do not reason forget about the active lifestyle. The fact is that...

Lyubov Tikhomirov persuaded her husband to play in the cinema

Lyubov Tikhomirov persuaded her husband to play in the cinema
Leningrad The end of the eighties, an ominous atmosphere of the Epoch of the Iron Curtain and the real Yugoslav boots of those times. This melodrama has...

Spring under the palm tree: For those who go to warm edges

Spring under the palm tree: For those who go to warm edges
The calendar spring has come, but to throw off warm clothes, upset us meteorologists, we can not before the end of March - early April. But in our power...

Horoscope for 2020

Horoscope for 2020
AriesAries 2020 will bring discoveries. It can be both new countries and your hidden talents that need to be developed. The representatives of the sign...

Matvey Lykov: "I fell in love with a future wife at first sight"

Matvey Lykov: "I fell in love with a future wife at first sight"
Matvey has already familiar to play the role of irresistible handsome. So in the TV series "Tourist Police" Actor, model and son of the famous Alexander...

Laura Reznikova: "I try not to eat any rubbish, but not because of the struggle for health - from respect for your body"

Laura Reznikova: "I try not to eat any rubbish, but not because of the struggle for health - from respect for your body"
- Laura, you actress, screenwriter. Probably, eat sometimes forget?- Yes unfortunately. And at such moments it is better to keep me away from temptations...

In the shadow of "Chernobyl": 5 main serials of the 2019th

In the shadow of "Chernobyl": 5 main serials of the 2019th
The series "Chernobyl" has become a real bomb and, in fact, it can be called the first attempt (we haven't liked anything like that) to reconstruct historical...

Recipes for summer wires

Recipes for summer wires
Buckwheat porridgeFor 4 servings: 400 g of pork, 1 onions, 1 carrot, 2 tbsp. Tomato paste, 1 Bulgarian pepper, 3 cloves of garlic, 200 g of buckwheat,...

Tatyana Kotova: "The New Year's mood begins with the choice of dresses!"

Tatyana Kotova: "The New Year's mood begins with the choice of dresses!"
"The New Year's mood begins, of course, with the choice of dresses! When you try different outfits and suddenly you get into the image - it is! I believe...

How do the stars save from the heat?

How do the stars save from the heat?
Not only ordinary mortals, but also celebrities explode from the scorching heat. Hot tea, home lemonade, contrasting shower, hike in the forest - the stars...

Master Class: SUP Yoga from Valeria Kozhevnikova

Master Class: SUP Yoga from Valeria Kozhevnikova
For the actress Valeria, Kozhevnikova Sport is a guarantee of health and good mood. She prefers quiet views of fitness, yoga and pilates. And I recently...

What did not take into account when divorced Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher?

What did not take into account when divorced Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher?
Treason is the most popular and frequent cause of parting and divorce. Of course, so painful thing that people are sometimes easier to disperse than to...

Five images for the new year from Valeria Kozhevnikova

Five images for the new year from Valeria Kozhevnikova
On the eve of the New Year holidays, every girl thinks about his image for the main night of the year. Makeup, hairstyle, outfit .... What to choose? What...

Media: Svetlana Loboda married

Media: Svetlana Loboda married
The famous performer Svetlana Loboda and choreographer Andrei King, similar to registered their relationship. Such conclusions of the media did after the...