Articles #816

Tightened on the net: why a virtual romance rarely ends with real relationships

Tightened on the net: why a virtual romance rarely ends with real relationships
Not everyone from us just approach and get acquainted with the person you like, especially if you are in principle an unavimary person. In the modern world,...

Conceptions of the Beauty Industry: tricks of the salons for which you are hung

Conceptions of the Beauty Industry: tricks of the salons for which you are hung
Monthly women spend thousands of rubles to maintain their beauty. Smoked businessmen know what words can be pressed on a sore place and make the customer...

I don't want anything: fighting for postpartum depression

I don't want anything: fighting for postpartum depression
Depression, which develops in the first months after childbirth, is the same serious disorder as the classical depression. Despite the rather skeptical...

Gray mouse: 5 shades that you are not to face

Gray mouse: 5 shades that you are not to face
Another trip to the store ends with the purchase of a gray sweater and basic white t-shirt? It is a pity, but with your habits you will have to part -...

Who should pay the bills in the pair?

Who should pay the bills in the pair?
Financial question sooner or later gets up to any pair. It doesn't matter whether they live together or separately, work in the office or on themselves,...

Andrei Skvortsov will be a guide

Andrei Skvortsov will be a guide
The leading weather forecast on NTV Andrei Skvortsov, a certified geographer and a climatologist, will be the face of the new tourist program "Good where...

Tips from a professional traveler

Tips from a professional traveler
The tips that Mark gives will help to diversify and fill the impressions and quite ordinary vacation, turning the trip to an unforgettable journey.1. Keep...

Natural decoration: Learning the best hair treatments

Natural decoration: Learning the best hair treatments
Probably the most important decoration of any woman, regardless of age - healthy hair. As soon as we do not kill them: Kras, pull the iron, we make chemical...

What are studying on sex trainings?

What are studying on sex trainings?
And now I need to apologize. I once again overheard someone else's conversation, although someone could be in my place, because these girls talked, to...

Repetition of Fate: As Olga Krasko and Olga Arntgolts are connected

Repetition of Fate: As Olga Krasko and Olga Arntgolts are connected
According to the curtain of the past year, the news appeared: the actress Olga Arntgolts will be a mom for the second time. The actress does not report...

Greek figreaming: perfumes with sweet figs chord

Greek figreaming: perfumes with sweet figs chord
The fig tree (yes, it is so otherwise a fig tree can be called) - one of the oldest plants on the planet. In Egyptian burials, there were even a bas-reliefs...

John Krasinsky: "On the first date I invited Emily on the shooting range"

John Krasinsky: "On the first date I invited Emily on the shooting range"
John Krasinski we remember by the role of a noncainted manager of Jim Halpert from the TV series "Office", where he, however, did not disappoint to the...

Business from scratch: 5 promising directions 2020

Business from scratch: 5 promising directions 2020
"Niche is filled with! Competition is huge! " - Scream those who have already been going to open their work already, but still did not and step. Startaps...

Can't be: Myths about sex, in which you still believe

Can't be: Myths about sex, in which you still believe
According to experts, more than half of Russians have a rather blurred idea of ​​sex, which generates an incredible number of myths about this physical...

When straightness is not a vice

When straightness is not a vice
A little refinement in order to figure out that you invest in the concept of straightness. For example, a frank note of the colleague: "What are your curves...

Not so beautiful: how to determine that the nanny does not fit you

Not so beautiful: how to determine that the nanny does not fit you
Choosing a nanny for his baby, we place the high demands to this person that it is quite clear - the nanny spends with the child often more than his own...