Articles #5

Ah, this wedding: the celebrations of the stars who have passed secret from the public

Ah, this wedding: the celebrations of the stars who have passed secret from the public
Fans are surprised why Victoria Loping is increasingly trying on wedding outfits - is it really married to take place from day to day? The media began...

My dear producer: Creative unions, overgrown in marriage

My dear producer: Creative unions, overgrown in marriage
Insiders argue that in the relationship of the faith of Brezhnev and Konstantin Meladze, everything is just fine, despite the rumors that the media stunned...

Igor Petrenko: "Ideal husbands are something from the fiction area"

Igor Petrenko: "Ideal husbands are something from the fiction area"
In the life of his favorite millions of the actor, there is a tragedy, which he does not like to remember. In 1992, when he was only fifteen years old,...

Intars Busulis: "I no longer blush when just tie the shoelaces"

Intars Busulis: "I no longer blush when just tie the shoelaces"
Why did I decide to lose weight? Because I was uncomfortable in my own weight. And when I was as part of the jury in the Latvian "X-Factor", one group...

Tenderness in everything: naked face, blush and freckles

Tenderness in everything: naked face, blush and freckles
Krasno-Maiden.A healthy blush is great, no matter how much this pun happened. Light pink haze on the "apples" of the cheek has always been a sign of youth,...

I fired in my forehead and woke up ...

I fired in my forehead and woke up ...
These words began a letter of one of our readers. In fact, everything is not quite so. The dream, which was sent to me, is described in this way: "I am...

Alexey Smirnov and Anastasia Falchikova: "The day, when they kissed, we celebrate solemn than the one when they were painted"

Alexey Smirnov and Anastasia Falchikova: "The day, when they kissed, we celebrate solemn than the one when they were painted"
Alexey Smirnov and Anastasia Falchikova have been happy for several years, although the family-run tandem is a rarity. And as individuals they are very...

Ilya Legoev: "All this is rock and roll"

Ilya Legoev: "All this is rock and roll"
And the documentary "Rhino without skin", and a concert of a decade ago - the spectacle is not that causing an explosion of the brain, but nevertheless...

HEABLE NOVEMBER SKY: the most fashionable images

HEABLE NOVEMBER SKY: the most fashionable images
Staying the long rainy day of the house, in its fortress - cozy, warm and bright, you can be arbitrarily defenseless - even in the middle of the frosty...

Love without borders: Stars who are not important sex of the second half

Love without borders: Stars who are not important sex of the second half
The world community was surprised by the news, which in the last days was widely published - Angelina Jolie allegedly twisted the novel ... with a woman....

Lyubov Kazarnovskaya: "Happiness is freedom of choice."

Lyubov Kazarnovskaya: "Happiness is freedom of choice."
In the repertoire of love of the Kazarnovskaya about fifty opera parties, she sang on the stage of the most famous theaters of the world, and it remained...

Male season: Anton Batyrev in the frame and for the scenes

Male season: Anton Batyrev in the frame and for the scenes
A part of his life Anton lived in Saratov, but he was born in the capital. His parents are architects, and, of course, they dreamed that their son would...

Red or Nude? Shades of varnish that most often attract men

Red or Nude? Shades of varnish that most often attract men
Men - the people of naughty, have certain preferences, relative to the female image and, which is interesting, relate to female hands. According to polls,...

How to adopted a new soloist in the factory group

How to adopted a new soloist in the factory group
Sasha Savelyeva: "We first heard about my birthday" for the first time. "Sings in the "factory" from its very reason. The group appeared on the project...

When and how to start talking to a child about God?

When and how to start talking to a child about God?
I barely learned to read, I received from my grandfather as a gift unusual for those times a book - biblical stories for children. The book was small,...

May-2021: Favorable and unfavorable days

May-2021: Favorable and unfavorable days
In May 2021, the metal bull will soften its attitude to all the signs of the zodiac. The patron of the year will allow little relaxing and be lazy. Resting...