Articles #31

Go! Stars who returned from emigration

Go! Stars who returned from emigration
It often happens that the Russian stars decide to radically change the lifestyle, going to another country or even to another continent. However, often...

Getting ready for the summer in advance: how to bring the body to the ideal for the winter

Getting ready for the summer in advance: how to bring the body to the ideal for the winter
How many times have you promised to make a photo on the beach, which will be clearly visible your press and rounded buttocks? However, it is not easy to...

Who is not afraid of "curses of the bannamers"?

Who is not afraid of "curses of the bannamers"?
Lillehammer (Norway), 1994Biathlonist Sergei Chepikov became the first sign of Russia, since two years before that, in 1992, the combined CIS team was...

It's time: we are preparing for the first sex with a new man

It's time: we are preparing for the first sex with a new man
After parting it seems that you will never meet anyone. However, the time passes, you cool, and now the new person appears on the horizon, which manifests...

Our everywhere: Russian artists who live abroad

Our everywhere: Russian artists who live abroad
Natalia Vetalitskaya is going to give a few concerts in Russia. The news was pleased with the fans, because the artist for more than 15 years lives in...

Happy Life Calendar: November 21, 2019

Happy Life Calendar: November 21, 2019
Examine the energy of this day thanks to the recommendations of Alexander Litvin.Calendar in infographicsNovember 21, 2019Clothes color Black, blue,...

Notes of Thai Mommy: "I put on my feet dried cobrous bile"

Notes of Thai Mommy: "I put on my feet dried cobrous bile"
Thai traditional medicine in recent years conquers incredible popularity. And personally, I'm not surprised at all. Because sometimes it is enough to try...

Do not be afraid of your fears

Do not be afraid of your fears
"One of the most difficult moments in the life of everyone, it is to find your way, your recognition, your profession. It doesn't matter how many years...

Anna Gorzhaya: "I like the inflated silhouette, but in everything you need to know the measure"

Anna Gorzhaya: "I like the inflated silhouette, but in everything you need to know the measure"
-Anna, until the summer left not so much time. What is better to start a weight loss program?"I would say, the cleansing program, since winter is a festive...

The holiday to us comes: New Year's traditions of stars

The holiday to us comes: New Year's traditions of stars
Prince Harry, probably, the most rejected of all members of the royal family. If a young man was caught in the youth of Dparations in a drunk, now, now...

Star in Square: Celabritis, which are often confused

Star in Square: Celabritis, which are often confused
Of course, there are all the top stars, but often many artists are confused by even fans, despite the fact that the colebritis themselves do not seek to...

Mikhail Trukhin: "Anya younger than me for fifteen years old, but it does not feel"

Mikhail Trukhin: "Anya younger than me for fifteen years old, but it does not feel"
Mikhail Trucin is one of the magnificent four, once conquered St. Petersburg theater Olympus. There were many turns, roads and paths in his life. But he...

Do not take abortion: stars who spoke against abortion

Do not take abortion: stars who spoke against abortion
No longer the first public person speaks sharply against the interruption of pregnancy, arguing this by different arguments. Each woman herself decides...

The most scandalous movie files

The most scandalous movie files
"12 years of slavery" (2013)In a number of Italy's cinemas on posters, announced the film "12 years of slavery", a close-up was depicted by Brad Pitt or...

How to teach a child there are fruit instead of potatoes fries?

How to teach a child there are fruit instead of potatoes fries?
As a parent, you convey to your children not only genes. Children also adopt your habits - both good and bad. Show your children that you care about them...

300 instead of 500 - as spices will help you consume less calories

300 instead of 500 - as spices will help you consume less calories
In the world of food, few things that cause a stronger opinion than spices. Do you prefer soft salsa, medium or hot version? Fortunately for people who...