Articles #160

Kate Middleton and Prince William chose the godfather

Kate Middleton and Prince William chose the godfather
Prince William and his wife decided on the godfather for her firstborn. According to the British media, they can be a friend of the duke of Cambridge,...

I am a legend: Baopics that will inspire you

I am a legend: Baopics that will inspire you
Of course, we all love stories that you want to revise again and again, but, probably, the most interesting paintings are always based on real events....

Ceramic tableware and weight loss

Ceramic tableware and weight loss
Dishes with ceramic coating Delimano - the best friend of those who want to lose weight, because it allows you to eat right. It is possible to prepare...

Ultrasonic Lifting Ulthera System

Ultrasonic Lifting Ulthera System
Now this unique technology is also presented in the clinic "Telo's Beauty".Due to what happens liftingThe technology of applying a focused intensive ultrasound...

Mother or Tyrant - who was Muse Salvador Dali Gala?

Mother or Tyrant - who was Muse Salvador Dali Gala?
In history, she entered the name of Gala - brilliant muse, a companion, adored and beloved woman. Almost goddess. Her biographers are still perplexed:...

When on the street - frosts: what to read at leisure

When on the street - frosts: what to read at leisure
1. Alison Winn Scotch, "Theory of the opposites"This book was already called Roman about New Bridget Jones. The main heroine - Will - not a child for a...

How she does it: Julia Menshova shared the secret of youth

How she does it: Julia Menshova shared the secret of youth
The actress and TV presenter recently revealed the secret of his youth in a far from youthful age - it turns out that everything is in effective, but not...

Business in Pandemic: what can earn during the global crisis

Business in Pandemic: what can earn during the global crisis
How did we wait for the end of 2020, and what has changed? The world still stays in shock: in the UK they found a new virus, in the US destroy due to political...

Albina Dzhanabaeva: "When the eldest son hears my voice from the screen, he is just happy"

Albina Dzhanabaeva: "When the eldest son hears my voice from the screen, he is just happy"
Albina Dzhanabaeva already for the second time gives his voice Tigritice wider - one of the new characters of the series of cartoon "Ice Age". On the eve...

Forest for winter: refueling for borscht

Forest for winter: refueling for borscht
"Why is it necessary? "You ask," after all, in the winter in the store you can buy any greens, carrots, onions, tomatoes and peppers. " But everything...

Planet "Big Happiness" comes into

Planet "Big Happiness" comes into
Despite snowfall and frost, this week will be real spring mood. And how otherwise, only three working days and will come on March 8. The planets seem to...

Made a vaccination, and after 16 days died: in the US investigate the sudden death of the doctor

Made a vaccination, and after 16 days died: in the US investigate the sudden death of the doctor
In the US, the Centers for the Control and Prevention of Diseases, together with Pfizer, began investigating the death of a doctor from Miami, who died...

Vladimir Menshov: "There can be nothing more important than love, understanding, tolerance"

Vladimir Menshov: "There can be nothing more important than love, understanding, tolerance"
Nationally beloved actor and director 80 years old! With the name of Vladimir Menshov, films are connected, who became a real filmlate, although at first...

How stars prepare children to school

How stars prepare children to school
Famous singer Irina Dubtsova This year, see the son of Artem in the first class:"I studied in Volgograd, we did not have a special choice. But the school...

Alesya Kafelnikova: "Thank you, Riccardo!"

Alesya Kafelnikova: "Thank you, Riccardo!"
A few years ago, Kafelnikova appeared in tabloid headlines only in connection with scandals: the girl struggled with narcotic dependence through medical...

Notes of Thai Mommy: "Siberian peasants decided to give Hugh Grant in the face"

Notes of Thai Mommy: "Siberian peasants decided to give Hugh Grant in the face"
Not one thing seemed to me that local beauties were created in order to remove the movies here. Directors of the whole world ride south of Thailand - to...