Articles #157

Who would have thought: myths about the variasts in which you believe

Who would have thought: myths about the variasts in which you believe
It cannot be said that the variants are studied by car owners from and to, and therefore there are many myths and simply delusions regarding the operation...

Calendar of happy life: September 19, 2019

Calendar of happy life: September 19, 2019
Comparish your plans with the recommendations of Alexander Litvin - and everything will be.Calendar in infographicsSeptember 19, 2019Clothes color Beige,...

Let's change: what settings to change before going to the car husband

Let's change: what settings to change before going to the car husband
Gasoline ends, but there is no time for refueling? Forgot to change the tires, and on the street icy? The reasons to take the vehicle of the spouse can...

Polyamoria: Why treats such relationships

Polyamoria: Why treats such relationships
For most of us, the relationship in which someone is present is simply unacceptable. However, now there are more and more couples that do not just support...

Why I'm not lucky: what distinguishes girls who come across worthy men

Why I'm not lucky: what distinguishes girls who come across worthy men
At least once in life, each of us listened to the story, as her friend broke the heart of his beloved person, or became a witness to the scandal of a couple...

Alexander Melman: The best people of the country

Alexander Melman: The best people of the country
Children's programs are very much on our TV. Clear why? Because children replenish the shortage of sincerity, cleanliness of relationships, an open look...

Ideas for congratulatory breakfast March 8

Ideas for congratulatory breakfast March 8
Heart in a plateIngredients: 2 Long sausages (centimeters of 20), 2 eggs, butter, salt, pepper, greens, toasts.Cooking method: Each sausage is cut along,...

Vyacheslav and Ekaterina Malafeev: "We exchanged flavors"

Vyacheslav and Ekaterina Malafeev: "We exchanged flavors"
Vyacheslav MalafeevEkaterina MalafeevYour first meeting?Happened in the same event in the club. Katya worked there as a DJ.How was Katya's dressed?In dress....

To sleep everyone: why the child suits hysterics before bed

To sleep everyone: why the child suits hysterics before bed
Probably one of the biggest problems for young parents is a children's sleep, or rather, the departure to sleep. For the first few years of the child's...

"Tourist" or "local resident": what is your behavior model

"Tourist" or "local resident": what is your behavior model
Each of us at least once in life was a tourist. Collecting the suitcase, we go to unfamiliar places, in mind your impressions, contacts, new looks for...

Vyacheslav Manuchars: "The worst thing is to tell your child that moms are no longer"

Vyacheslav Manuchars: "The worst thing is to tell your child that moms are no longer"
Watch how the genes show themselves quite curious. Vyacheslav Manuchars, the descendant of the famous noble child, chose the acting profession that his...

Dmitry Miller: "Somehow I was a raw"

Dmitry Miller: "Somehow I was a raw"
- What color do you associate yourself?- With a blossom jeans.- Have you ever to say that you read Schopenhauer, although you did not read it?- I do it...

Laura Reznikova: "Today is never relevant to the sneakers!"

Laura Reznikova: "Today is never relevant to the sneakers!"
Laura Reznikova, which is remembered by the roles of attractive vampire from the "Fifth Guard" and a psychologist from "Witnesses", is a real shopaholic....

Lena Lenin - About the most stylish summer manicure-2016

Lena Lenin - About the most stylish summer manicure-2016
Summer in full swing, the suitcases are already packed, and the ladies rush to the sea to make a bright and fashionable manicure for vacation. What is...

Anfisa Chekhov: "I used to go all over the showcases every night and looked at the food, which I can not eat"

Anfisa Chekhov: "I used to go all over the showcases every night and looked at the food, which I can not eat"
- Anfisa, you have become the leading fourth season realistic show "Weighted and happy people." How close is the topic of this program?- The topic of excess...

Notes Thai Mommy: "Baba Yaga Rod from Thailand?"

Notes Thai Mommy: "Baba Yaga Rod from Thailand?"
During our voyage to the south of Thailand, I remembered one story Andrei Makarevich. The leader of the Time Machine is an unusual theory that Baba Yaga,...