Articles #142

Male VS Woman: When the head should not interfere with the body

Male VS Woman: When the head should not interfere with the body
Why some girls can not find a partner? Even seemingly beautiful and successful? You may not agree with our expert opinions. Once we are discussing relationships,...

Who fastens "fashion wars"?

Who fastens "fashion wars"?
In one of the episodes of the series "Sex in the Big City", Carrie Bradshow was terrified by the tastelessness and antistilicity of velvet hair gum. Following...

February: Good days for each sign of the zodiac

February: Good days for each sign of the zodiac
AriesThe most successful day for the Aries is February 16, since the growing moon will be in your sign. You get the opportunity to immerse yourself in...

Eastern Jazz, Puppets and Gudini Tricks

Eastern Jazz, Puppets and Gudini Tricks
What: Premiere of the musical performance based on the famous Russian folk tale "Gusi-Swans"With all the favorite from childhood, the Tale of Gusi-Swans...

Now call the police: what to do if the neighbors are noisy children

Now call the police: what to do if the neighbors are noisy children
If you do not live in a private house, most likely you heard the noise from the neighbors, whether it is a loud music, the work of a vacuum cleaner, bark...

Short course how to become happy

Short course how to become happy
Believe that miracles are a normal part of life. Try to behave so that all your actions and thoughts reflect this faith.Admit and realize your freedom....

We collect perfumery harvest

We collect perfumery harvest
In September, this will usually happen a real boom of launch of new perfumes. Still, from the point of view of marketing, this is the most suitable moment...

5 workouts for which you should not go novice

5 workouts for which you should not go novice
In a healthy body, healthy mind is not an empty phrase, but a reality. The more often you do sports and the more energy spend in training, the faster becoming...

Child and School: Crib for Parents

Child and School: Crib for Parents
So, what do you need to know the parent so that the school becomes an ally in the raising of a happy and confident child? And what to do in order to even...

Cute aggressor: when the relationship does not continue

Cute aggressor: when the relationship does not continue
As a rule, if it comes to toxic relations, we immediately imagine a man who behaves rudely into openly towards their own woman. In such a situation, it...

What to do with the burnt face?

What to do with the burnt face?
Non-fat in the sun, without thinking about time and concerns - a pleasant occupation. But it, alas, almost always ends in deplorable. Burns from UV rays...

5 secrets of couples who lived in marriage more than 30 years

5 secrets of couples who lived in marriage more than 30 years
It seems that over time, the psychology of people is changing - in 2019, from January to April, it was terminated for 53.6 thousand marriages less than...

Notes of Thai Mommy: "The border with Myanmar is affectionately called 'smelly"

Notes of Thai Mommy: "The border with Myanmar is affectionately called 'smelly"
The place where foreigners leave Thailand to quickly drive into the neighboring Myanmar and return back, is romantically called "smelly". Why - it becomes...

Top 5 Hand Procedures: We Keep the skin youth

Top 5 Hand Procedures: We Keep the skin youth
On the skin on the hands, it is easiest to know the age of a woman, so care for this tender zone requires certain efforts. If at first you can do with...

Calendar of happy life: September 27, 2019

Calendar of happy life: September 27, 2019
Complete the working week with the helpful advice of Alexander Litvin.Calendar in infographicsSeptember 27, 2019Clothes color OrangeDrawing clothes You...

How to deal with aging in the area of ​​elbows and knees

How to deal with aging in the area of ​​elbows and knees
It is believed that the knees and elbows more often give out the age of a woman than the neck does. The main problem with which the fair sex is beginning...