Articles #132

Dina Garipova: "Return to my last life would be unfair"

Dina Garipova: "Return to my last life would be unfair"
- Dina, recently began the second season of the show, do you watch it? Probably looking at the contestants, remember yourself on this scene?- Of course,...

Kids stars whom parents were forced to work

Kids stars whom parents were forced to work
In his account in Instagram, the producer posted a photo of himself and his six-year-old son Sasha Plushenko on the veranda of a cute Italian cafe. But...

Aristarh Venez: "Girls wept and spent the night under the windows"

Aristarh Venez: "Girls wept and spent the night under the windows"
Aristarkh Venezes was one of the participants of the recent festival "ARTEKA AREA". On the Black Sea coast, the star of the serials "Cadet", "Kremlin cadets",...

5 treacherous signs of aging

5 treacherous signs of aging
Sign №1Ears are the part of the head, which we think of last. Meanwhile, with the perfect skin face, they can give your age. Remove even easy earrings...

Women vs Men: who is easier distracted while driving

Women vs Men: who is easier distracted while driving
According to the World Health Organization, more than a million people are perished in road accidents every year around the world. Why is this happening?...

5 tips, how to get out of a difficult situation

5 tips, how to get out of a difficult situation
Tip №1Sometimes we are confronted with difficulties, for example, with an annual report. You imagine how much work is waiting ahead, and your hands are...

Happy Life Calendar: October 3, 2019

Happy Life Calendar: October 3, 2019
What dress to wear, what to cook for dinner and how to take your leisure - read in the recommendations of Alexander Litvin.Calendar in infographicsOctober...

Anna Kotova Dreyabina: "Vanya decided to provide a family so that I could devote myself to creativity"

Anna Kotova Dreyabina: "Vanya decided to provide a family so that I could devote myself to creativity"
Anna Kotovu-derayabina many spectators noticed after the release of the TV series "Love around the area" and "light from the next world." But her creative...

Tried on yourself, and now we tell. How to learn to relax during meditation and quickly fall asleep after

Tried on yourself, and now we tell. How to learn to relax during meditation and quickly fall asleep after
On YouTube Million watch meditations that inspire you that you almost from the birth of wise, strong and beautiful. But whether you are so confident in...

Marina Orlova, who played the start: "Julia's dog confused me with her"

Marina Orlova, who played the start: "Julia's dog confused me with her"
Yesterday, Julia would be 40 years old. The singer's anniversary was created a film telling about her life and recent days. Actress Marina Orlova ("Native...

Death takes the best: artists who will never appear on stage

Death takes the best: artists who will never appear on stage
Today it became known that the famous Czech singer Karel Gott died on the 81st year of life after a long fight against cancer. He began to speak back in...

Surrogate mother of Pugacheva and Galkina turned out to be fake

Surrogate mother of Pugacheva and Galkina turned out to be fake
All channel channels on Monday picked the sensational news - Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin became the parents of Harry's twins and Lisa. The intrigue...

Spring without unpleasant surprises: What you need to know about the prevention of colds in spring

Spring without unpleasant surprises: What you need to know about the prevention of colds in spring
We waited for this long winter! But more spring is the time of the traditional surge of incidence of colds, or rather, sharp respiratory viral infections...

Milk teeth: Care rules

Milk teeth: Care rules
Children's dentists advise to start cleaning from the moment of teething of the first milk tooth, but not to use a brush, but a special silicone attack...

"I was afraid for my life": the stars who beat husbands

"I was afraid for my life": the stars who beat husbands
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie has long been not together, which is incredibly upsetting all the fans of the couple. The next day the premiere of the new...

Will Smith: "For the first time I got what can be called Starikovsky injury"

Will Smith: "For the first time I got what can be called Starikovsky injury"
The actors are always happy to agree on the proposal to embody the image of the colorful scoundrel on the screen. In the new film "Self-suicide", all the...