According to the rules: products that are allowed in the first week of post


The first week of the Great Post is in full swing - someone has already moved to a new power mode, while others still think how to approach. We decided to figure out and help you easily navigate the rules for which we will build the menu all week.

The most strict

It is believed that the first and last week posts are the most stringent, which means it will have to take yourself in hand and abandon many products and dishes that seem to be familiar to normal. The first week of the post passes under the auspices of vegetables, and preferably raw. As you already know, the products of animal origin are prohibited throughout the post, except for fish that can be used only a few times for the entire post.

Do not move

Do not move


How to adjust an unusual ration without loss

Of course, a sharp transition to very unusual food can cause serious stress of the body, and it is not necessary for us at all, given that during the post we intend to restore the strength and to cleanse spiritually and physically. Without restrictions, it is simply impossible. So what about? First, if you feel it is hard to make a sharp transition, try to at least not overeat and slightly reduce the portion. Then gradually add products that match the week or day of the post. But with an excerpt, it was quite possible to start this week with a large amount of water, and the water on this day should be more than food, but it is important to take into account the individual characteristics of the body and in no case to extend themselves.

What products can be on the table in the first week

In the first seven days we make the main focus on raw vegetables, fruits, nuts, honey. To improve taste, you can add some dried fruits into dishes. For breakfast, at least all seven days can do fruit salads with sesame or feeding cutting out of fresh vegetables. By the way, tea and coffee in the first week of the Great Post are very undesirable, as we try to avoid thermally processed products.

At lunchtime, it is not at all necessary to do a salad again - you can wonder the cream-soup cream, which is preparing from raw vegetables and vegetable sauces, mixing all the ingredients in the blender.

As for the desserts, it is important to take into account time - in the middle of the post, baking is quite allowed, but the first and last weeks are not suitable for this. But you can pamper yourself and prepare dessert from dried fruits, especially dates, nuts and honey - you will get an excellent sweet dish, which can be used even before bedtime, if you do not syrup, but natural honey.

As completed a week

On the weekend you can pamper yourself with vegetable oil - refuel salads and add to the side dishes with soups. In addition, by the end of the week, you can gradually process products, for example, cook the croup, from which a great addition to fresh vegetables will be obtained.

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