Ignition appetite: recipes with nettle


For cooking only young nettle is suitable when she begins to grow and reaches maximum twenty centimeters. It is necessary to cut it entirely, after some time it ceases to sting. Also nettle can also be held for a few minutes in boiling water, which also helps get rid of Zhuzti. Krapva contains a large number of vitamins and trace elements. With the help of nettle, you can strengthen the immunity, increase the metabolism, to establish the operation of the gastrointestinal tract, restore the nervous system, etc. However, nettle dishes are impossible to eat pregnant women, as well as suffering thrombophlebitis, hypertension, allergies or in patients with kidneys.

Only young nettle is suitable for cooking

Only young nettle is suitable for cooking

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Green soup

Ingredients: Big beam of nettles (about 300 g), 1 bulb, 1 carrot, 5 potatoes, green onion beam, bunch of dill, 1 tbsp. flour.

Cooking method: You can cook on the water, and you can on a chicken or meat broth. For this you need to boil about 400 g of pork or half a small chicken. The nettle to fill with boiling water and let go quit 1-2 minutes, throw back on the colander, cool. Choise. Onions cut into cubes, rubbing the carrot, chop potatoes with pieces. On the vegetable oil to fry onions and carrots, a few minutes before the readiness of adding flour and fry about about 3 minutes. In the saucepan boil the water, put potatoes, add roasted and nettle. Cook until potatoes are ready. Salt, pepper.

Tip: Serve the speckless soup is best with boiled eggs, sour cream. You can add lemon lolk.


Ingredients: Bunch of nettle (about 400 g), 5 potatoes, 1-2 eggs, vegetable oil, 1 bulbs, 1-2 cloves of garlic, salt.

Cooking method: Nuts pour water, put on fire and cook for about 10 minutes after boiling. Potatoes boil separately. Throw off nettle on a colander, cool and cut down a bit. In the pan, fry until soft onions are soft, add nettle to it. Salted slightly, cover with a lid and fry until onion. Boiled potatoes cut into cubes and add to nettle. Fry about 5-7 minutes. Drink raw eggs in the pan, mix. In the finals squeeze garlic.

Smoothie with nettle

Smoothie with nettle

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Smoothie with nettle

Ingredients : Several springs nettle, 1 apple, 1 banana, half lemon, 60 ml of water.

Cooking method: In the bowl of the blender, cut apples with the peel, add a banana, squeeze the lemon juice, put the spectacular leaflets (better to take them in gloves), pour water. All beat the blender to the state of liquid puree.

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