Not so scary breastfeeding: myths vs. reality


The other day, Anastasia Rytova shared with the subscribers of the opinion regarding breastfeeding. The girl does not understand how to refuse the child in such a natural process. The model admitted that earlier herself was afraid of discomfort, which can bring feeding a child, but quickly drawn up. According to the residue, they are planning to remain on breastfeeding no more than a year.

Subscribers divided into two camps: someone reproaches the model for obsessive tips, arguing that everyone has its own circumstances and sometimes breastfeeding is simply impossible. Others are confident that no mixtures will replace breast milk.

We decided to figure out why many so frighten such, it would seem natural process, and we will try to debunk the main myths.

What they say: need to cook breasts in advance

If you already have a child, you probably came across information that the chest must be prepared for feeding: rub the towel, put a rigid tissue into a bra and so on. However, according to experts, this theory is unfounded. You are only injured and the sensitive zone.

And how really

Do not interfere with the body prepare for childbirth and feeding yourself. The chest will perfectly cope with without your participation: the iron tissue grows and the grombria increases in size, and the trial portion of the colostrum begins to be carried out on the third trimester.

What they say: breastfeeding will spoil her form

There is nothing surprising in that the breast during pregnancy increases and changes the shape, because the adipose tissue is replaced with ferrous because of which the chest can be saved. If you are interested in how your chest change, pay attention to the breast of your close relatives on the maternal line - as a rule, the form is transmitted at the genetic level.

And how really

Of course, the chest will change, but it does not mean at all that it will lead and turn the stretch marks. It all depends on how well you will take care of it, and how much will get starting during pregnancy. In order not to have an unpleasant transformation, from the very beginning of pregnancy, purchase a bra with wide straps, and also needs to do exercises that allow you to maintain breasts in tone.

What they say: due to breastfeeding, hair and teeth will start

Many have heard that young mothers complain about hair loss and the deplorable state of the teeth. Yes, this happens often, but the case is not at all in breastfeeding, but in the consequences of the pregnancy itself.

And how really

During pregnancy, many processes in the body of a woman slow down, including the process of replacing hair, since all the forces are thrown on the provision of nutrients of the fetus. As a result, after childbirth, the hair begins to leave your head in a double volume - the body gets rid of accumulated hair for all months of pregnancy.

As for the teeth, it is important to regularly attend a specialist who will treat the caries and tell you what problems with your teeth you have it, and will also find a way to solve them.

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