The legendary "Viy" goes to 3D


The new "vii" combines two big stories. On the one hand, the film was removed based on the story of N. V. Gogol. The other side of the plot relies on a real character - Guillaume of Levasser de Bopopla (1595-1685) - a French engineer and a military cartographic, which was one of the first to study the land of Malorus and the culture of residents of those times. The result of his research was the book "Description of Ukraine", which in the first edition was called "Description of the Poland of the Kingdom of Poland, stretching from the limits of Muscovy, up to the transylvania boundaries."

According to the plot of the new picture, Kartographer Jonathan Green makes a scientific journey from Europe to the East. Currently through Transylvania and overcome the Carpathian Mountains, it falls into a losing village among the impassable forests. Only the will of the case and a thick fog could take it into this damned place. The people living here do not look like a traveler visited. These people, protecting themselves from the rest of the world of deep moat, naively believe that they can protect themselves from the unclean, without realizing that she had already settled in their souls, and only waiting for the opportunity to break out ... Role of traveler Jonathan Green played English actor Jason Fleming , famous for the film "X-Men: First Class", "Mysterious History of Benjamin Button", "Big Kush", "Maps, Money, Two Tanks". By the way, Fleming voiced his role in Russian dubling. The fact is that 25 years ago, Jason, being a student, studied in Moscow in Moscow, at the Moscow Art School of Studio at the course of Alexander Kalyagin. And still remembers several phrases in Russian.

The legendary

Shooting the paintings "Viy" were held in Prague at the world famous Gatteo Studios, Barrandov and Letnyany, which are called the "second Hollywood". .

Shooting the paintings "Viy" were held in Prague at the world famous Gatteo Studios, Barrandov and Letnyany, which are called the "second Hollywood". Part of the filming was carried out in the Czech Castle Schres. Alexey Chadov, the executor of the role of Petrasya, remembers: "I first found myself in the present castle. There, so sweetly slept, as in childhood. It seemed that the vision would begin, the spirits would come. Live castle, in it all the time some sounds are heard. At the site, everything was done with great attention and accuracy - costumes, makeup, scenery. I do not remember when the last time I was so interesting to be filmed. "

For field filming, a whole Cossack farm was built, with historical accuracy of recreation every little thing: 21 courtyard, Maidan, Church, Tavern, Mill, Watchdow. Coach, on which Jonathan Green makes his journey, was specifically designed and built on one of the German automotive concerns. In addition to the carriage, various technical devices were developed for the main character - cartographic tools, encryption devices and many other, including even a tablet. "From the very beginning we put a very high bar. And for me personally, there are no little things, "said Oleg Stephenko director. - Even the most common, the ratio standing in the far corner still should be part of the whole. This will be clear this professional. "Viy" is a special world that lives in itself. "

The role of traveler Jonathan Green played English actor Jason Fleming. .

The role of traveler Jonathan Green played English actor Jason Fleming. .

Stretching tricks and combat scenes in the picture was engaged in Jiri Cuba - Czech Battle Choreographer (Jeanne D'Ark, Brothers Grimm). "It was not easy to move into such large-scale decorations, it was difficult to find both the points of the support, which can be suspended by cascaders. By the way, very many tricks, flights, falls in the film Actors performed independently, "says Jiri.

The monsters created specifically for the film deserve separate attention. Monsters in the film are divided into three categories - adjressed actors, animatronic dolls, coming up with the help of mechanisms and cascaders, and completely virtual three-dimensional monsters. Petr Gorshenin Mercian Artist ("Vysotsky. Thank you for living", "especially dangerous") admits: "In front of me there was a challenge to reflect the inner world of the character in the monster in which he turns. It is incredibly difficult! The viewer must understand why a person has become exactly this creature. I hope we succeeded. "

"The search for makeup was spent really a lot of time," Andrei Smolyakov shares the impressions. "I play the father of Paisius, and at first we walked along the path of the Kapuchin appearance, but then decided to make it closer to our orthodox servant of the Church. My character is a religious fanatkin, he lives in the forest, starving, pulling himself for the sake of faith. Proper to read the sermon, sprinkling the holy water of the parishioners, our consultant was taught - the priest. He also blessed us on shooting. And one of the most difficult scenes was the reading of the Apocalypse in the Old Slavonic language. "

"In this film, there is all - incredible adventures, the most powerful action, romance and beautiful love, intriguing secrets and riddles, summarizes the producer Alexander Kulikov. - Our task was to combine an intersection, meaning and philosophy so that everything is played and sounded in one rhythm as a musical instrument. The film is a spiritual product, and above all, affects the spiritual values ​​of people. Makes them think about eternal: about love and friendship, trust and loyalty. Now just the time when the viewer wants to think about something. We must give him this opportunity. "

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