What Mikhail Baryshnikov conquered Liza Minnelli and Jessica Lang


Not so long ago, Washington Profile has published a rating of the most influential and well-known immigrants from the USSR. The first place in the list was taken by the dancer Michael Baryshnikov, who already called the legend during his lifetime. About his unique fate, as well as how he is associated with Hollywood divas Liza Minnelli and Jessica Lang - in our investigation.

Mikhail Baryshnikov assures: "No one is born a dancer. To become them, you need to want it the strongest in life. " He really wanted. It was his unprecedented hardworking, turning into perfectionism, as well as talent (nevertheless without it anywhere) allowed our hero to become whom he is today.

... He didn't even look very much like a ballet star. Low growth, plump, as if shy. However, when Michael went on stage and began to dance, an incredible transformation took place. From a modest shy young man, he turned into a sexy brutal man, to resist the charms of which was simply impossible.

From the side it seemed, at Baryshnikov in the Soviet Union, everything was needed for happiness: a place in the prestigious turbine troupe, reverence of the public, a cozy apartment, personal life. And he chuckled in close frames that he tried to put a manual. A close friend of Baryshnikova, a great poet and a business partner in the Russian Samovar restaurant Joseph Brodsky, to the question of which fate would be waiting for the dancer in his homeland, in the USSR, very short, but Emko answered: "Spark."

... the escape of Baryshnikov to freedom was furnished very theatrically. In 1974, he performed in Toronto along with his native troupe. After the concert, he passed through the crowd of fans, distributing autographs, and then pulled to the car, which prudently waiting for him nearby.

Mikhail Baryshnikov

Mikhail Baryshnikov

Photo: Rex Features / Fotodom.ru

Later, a close friend of Mikhail, a former dancer, all the same Mariinsky Alexander Mintz (it was he who prepared escape), says: This step was gone to Baryshnikov very difficult. Yes, and the artist himself, describing the day that turned his life, admits that at some point it did not change his mind at some time: "There was not the most difficult to escape from them. It was much heavier during the performance. I came to the theater and danced all evening, knowing great that the decision is irreversible. And when he ran, just did not figure out the legs under him, there were only fear and emptiness in the stomach. I almost saved when I jumped into the car. No need to turn with a solid, smooth road into a hide. I realized that I do not want to live in Russia, to dance in Kirovsky. I did not like to depict something that I was actually not. "

Premier League

The scandal then broke out, of course, terrible. To somehow reflect the political component of this escape, some Soviet newspapers reported: they say, the cause of such a bold act became a secret love.

However, Love at Baryshnikov remained just in the Soviet Union. Tatyana Koltsova, with which he lived in a civil marriage, danced in the same place, in Mariinsky. Understanding how she will have to be disadvantaged, the ladies, who was very recognition, was very worried. But staying in the USSR, where he already reached the peak of his career, could not either. Then, after escape, he drank such a number of alcohol - to drown out all the experiences - how many ordinary people could hardly be mastered.

And a month later, the metropolitan-opera was released in the play "Giselle" - along with his long-standing partner Natalia Makarova, by that time I also emigrated to America four years before the escape of Baryshnikov, in 1970. Another year later, Mikhail became the premiere of American ballet troupe. To date, he is one of the most famous Russians who achieved worldwide glory and recognition. In America, one of these challenges - whether you quote you in the "Simpsons" series. So, the name of Baryshnikov in "Simpsons" was mentioned not one, not two and not even five times.

The writer Sergey Dovlatov so wrote about the popularity of Baryshnikov in America: "... I went to the housewhaust shop near Queens-Boulevard in New York. And saw on the wall a huge portrait of Mikhail Baryshnikova. One image, without signature ... And suddenly I realized what glory is! What is real world fame. I think Glory is when your image can be hung in a shopping center. And be sure that everyone is familiar to everyone. And that there will be no surprised looks ... not in the foyer of the Opera House. Not in the editorial office of the fashion magazine. Namely - in the housewhaust shop ... ".

In addition to the career in the American ballet theater, our hero was actively mastered by the framework of the Broadway theaters and participated in noticeable Hollywood projects.

In 1977, the film "Turning point" was released on the screens, in which the ladies played the role of the second plan, written specifically for him (in this picture he performs the song of Vladimir Vysotsky "Crystal House"). And - immediately was nominated at once on two prestigious filmmakers - "Golden Globe" and "Oscar". The painting "White Nights" and can be called autobiographical - it is about escape from Russia (by the way, it is from there that the famous dance for the song is all the same Vysotsky "Konii, who has long become a separate, independent number). In 1989, the ladies were nominated for Tony for the role in the Broadway Musicle "Metamorphosis". Also, he has three AMMI premiums for participating in various television programs. And, of course, everyone remembers his role Russian artist Alexander Petrovsky, who started the novel with Carrie Bradshow in the TV series "Sex in the Big City".

Sex and the City

Everyone remembers his role to the Russian artist Alexander Petrovsky, who started a novel with Carrie Bradschow in a popular series

Everyone remembers his role to the Russian artist Alexander Petrovsky, who started a novel with Carrie Bradschow in a popular series

Frame from the series "Sex in the Big City"

"It is impossible to be happy in family life, being unhappy in the work," said somehow the ladies. His thought can be continued: it is impossible to be happy at work, being unhappy in the family. The premier had novels with the most beautiful ladies of Hollywood. Although he himself even is somewhat shy of such attention to his own person: "I am a sex symbol? This is absolute nonsense! In general, people somehow pay too much attention to this topic. In my opinion, a good party in a golf or conversation with friends much more interesting. " And when his forehead was asked about famous mistresses, only modestly answered: "They are beautiful women. We respect each other very much. "

For this reason, in the press, he was given a nickname "Man in the case": it was impossible to achieve stories about his personal life from Baryshnikov. It is known that when he just moved to America - he was associated with a partner on one of the dance projects of Gels Kirkland. Also among his beloved they call Liza Minnelli, Sharon Stone, Isabella Rossellini. It is known only about one of its long-term connection, in which the laryrshnikov admitted himself.

King Cong

... She was constantly on the road since childhood. Jessica Lang's father served as a community of the middle hand, so their family noded himself from place to place. In childhood, Jessica moved eighteen times! Apparently, this passion for traveling remained with her. After school (more precisely, several schools in various states) Jess entered the university in Minnesota, but after a while suddenly threw his studies and went to search for adventures. At this, her first husband is advocated - artist Francisco Paco Grande. Together they drove throughout America - North and South. Hippie lived in the communes, went to rock concerts, participated in protest action against war. But after all, at some point Jessica tired life in the style of rock and roll and especially - to share her husband with other girls who met on their way.

She decided that he was enough to wander around the world and threw anchor in Paris. That's just officially issued a divorce decided not immediately, leaving this unpleasant procedure for the future. Then Lang, by the way, was very regretted about his decision - Francisco filed for divorce in 1981, when it became a completely successful actress, and was able to sue a decent amount as an alimony.

In the meantime, the thunder did not hit, Jess enjoyed the Parisian everyday life. She entered the Pantomime School, where her teacher was the famous Mime Etiente de Crup, performed as a dancer in Opere Comic. And then France Lang tired - do not sit in one place!

Mikhail Baryshnikov and Jessica Lang tried twice to create a family. But they could not live together due to the difference of mentalities

Mikhail Baryshnikov and Jessica Lang tried twice to create a family. But they could not live together due to the difference of mentalities

Photo: Rex Features / Fotodom.ru

Returning to America, Lege's first worked as a model in one of the agencies. And this is what turned her fate. Her photo once saw Producer Dino de Laurentis, who was just looking for the main character in the picture "King Kong." So Jessica played one of the most famous roles, which immediately made a 27-year-old debutant recognizable personality. It was at this time that she saw her ladies. "We met at the Comician of Baka Henry's comic party, and introduced us to each other Milos Foreman," the dancer recalled. "I remember, I asked Miloshe:" And who is this? ". He replied: "King Kong girl." In general, we had love at first glance. "

Dancing together

Almost immediately they began to live together. When information about their connection was leaked in the press, the lovers immediately became an object of close attention. Everyone was interesting: what is he in real life, this mysterious Russian dancer, "man in a case"? But since the Baryshnikov himself continued to go around all the conversations about his personal life, the publications in some American publications were struck by an unprecedented fantasy and invention of their authors. So, in one newspaper there was information that Mikhail loves to humiliate a Hollywood star, makes it cooking Christian dishes of Russian cuisine and knees, as accepted in the Soviet Union, washing the floor. "At any time, even at night, Russian friends can fall into their home without warning, and poor Lang is forced to take them, drink, feed and to dawn, listen to excited cries on someone else's language," the other newspaper reported.

And when in one interview with Jessica, telling about his beloved, told the bitterness that he lost his mother at eleven years (she committed suicide), immediately a new shaft of publications appeared. Their meaning came down to the fact that the Russian dancer has a persistent fear of women - and it is for this reason that he is so cruel with Jessica.

Nevertheless, all the lamenchnikov and Lang lived about six years. To say that it was cloudless for both years, it would be wrong. If only because in the press, then the case wrote about the hobbies of Jessica (for example, she was attributed to a stormy romance with a picture director Bob Raifelson, who was filmed in the film "The postman always calls twice"). And soon the reason for conversations gave both the laryrshnikov himself.

Broadway passion

When the dancer was invited to another film project with the name of "Baryshnikov on Broadway", he, of course, did not doubt a minute. First, for him it was a new experience, and he always sought to expand the framework of his capabilities. Secondly, his partner was approved by the incomparable Lisa Minnelli, by that time playing in the Kabar's cult film. It was Liza who became his mentor when preparing a musical - after all, it was necessary not only to dance, but also sing. They say they rehearsed to eight hours in a row, but then they did not hurry to part.

For the sake of Family Lisa Reynhart left the scene and became a housewife

For the sake of Family Lisa Reynhart left the scene and became a housewife

Photo: Rex Features / Fotodom.ru

And if the ladynikov again did without comment on their relationship with the actress, then Lisa turned out to be more word. Talking about the dancer in an interview, the actress did not hide, which was fascinated by this mysterious Russian: "He is a cute, charming genius and a man of amazing beauty." And the "muscular and immaculate in love of each other." At that time, Minnelli was absolutely free - she only broke up with her second husband, Teleport Jack Haley Jr. Therefore, she, according to rumors, was the initiator of relations with the Russian prime minister.

True, at some point the Liza began to tire what was called "Mysterious Russian soul": a strange Misha could talk about poetry with her, but he preferred to be silent about her feelings. They say that one day Minnelli appealed to his friend Marina Vlad: "Tell me, and you also read your poems yes, and you talk about high matters?" As a result, by the time of the premiere of the musical "Baryshnikov on Broadway", where Mikhail and Liza performed in Tandem, their romantic communication outside the theater was already completed.

But Baryshnikov had a relationship with Jessica Lang. In 1981, they had a daughter who was called Alexander. However, this second chance, they also could not use truly. Later, the laryrships admit that everything is the difference in mentalities: "I can't live with American! How much I tried to convince myself that this is possible - but no. I am not able to understand them, they are not able to understand me. "

Mikhail Baryshnikov with a daughter from the second marriage Anna Katerina

Mikhail Baryshnikov with a daughter from the second marriage Anna Katerina

Photo: Rex Features / Fotodom.ru

Despite parting, Mikhail and Jessica were able to keep good relationships. They still have time from time to time and communicate quite cute. "It will remain with me for life," Mikhail once liftedly. "She is one of the very few women I loved."

The next chief of the Baryshnikov was not an American. But not Russian, as you can assume. For many years, the prime minister lives in marriage with Ballerina Liza Reinehart, whose ancestors come from Austria and Germany. Lisa is the granddaughter of the famous theatrical director of Max Reinhard, who once organized the first Salzburg festival, and then, already in America, put the film "Sleep in the Summer Night". For Mikhail Lisa, who danced in the Troupe of Marsa Cunningham, threw the stage and became an ordinary housewife. She was able to create that quiet harbor, which, as it turns out, and he needed. Not stormy passions, not life under the sight of the chambers of the paparazzi, and calm family weekdays.

Spouses raise three children. Their firstborn, whom Peter Andrew called, was born in 1989. Two daughters were born later - Anna Katerina and Sofia Louise.

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