How do the stars celebrate Valentine's Day?


TV host Victoria Lopirez advises how to create a romantic atmosphere:

"I am positive for any holidays! Valentine's Day I do not consider some special day. To please your loved ones or confess your husband's love, you don't need to wait at all on February 14 - it's better to do every day! But if, thanks to this holiday, an extra opportunity to remind the partner about his feelings or please him with some kind of surprise, then why not? I'm all for it! All girls, I would like to wish to wake up on this day with a good mood, go to the mirror, smile and try creating a special, festive atmosphere. Light a candle or aroma lamp with a pleasant smell, turn on good music, drink a sip of champagne for shine in the eyes. And since it is not all the girls there is a second half, then you need to do everything so that the situation soon has changed for the better. Go with single girlfriends at the moment to some event. And who knows, maybe exactly there you will meet the pile of fate! "

Glamor ballerina Anastasia Volochkova knows how to please a man:

"On the eve of Valentine's Day, I was taught me to prepare a delicious dessert from ice cream and fruit. I am delighted! This is an excellent delicacy that will definitely appreciate your beloved! "

Anastasia Volochkova. Photo: Natalia Mushkina.

Anastasia Volochkova. Photo: Natalia Mushkina.

Soloists popular Group "Prime Minister" They talked about their attitude to the holiday. Taras Demchuk closer to the Russian holiday dedicated to the Day of Family, Love and Loyalty - Day of Peter and Fevronia: "This holiday entered our life not so long ago. We know about Valentine's Day, only the fact that somewhere in the third century of our time a priest named Valentin, violating the imperial order, secretly behaved in two lovers. For this crime, the emperor ordered to plant a young bishop in prison. Ironically, it is here that he falls in love with the blind daughter of the supervisor. Love as lightning flooded the hearts of two people. She was born, broke out and immediately died, because on the same day Valentin was executed. On the day of his execution, February 14, the girl received from her beloved letter with one short phrase: "Your Valentine". Since that time, Valentine appeared - messages of lovers. And in general, it's closer to a Russian big holiday dedicated to the Day of Family, Love and Loyalty - the Day of Peter and Fevronia, which is celebrated in early July. On this day, we are always with the guys who are going to families, we leave for a country picnic, where Zaraim Schebers, ride boats, sunbathe and even arrange mini concerts. Yes, and I will definitely give your favorite chamomile as the main symbol of this day. "

Vasily Kireev said that love occupies an important place in his work: "In our life, love occupies a great place. After all, it is no secret that creative people are often alone. And because they are identified with characters, and because they often have them with complex characters and frightening work schedules. Therefore, love that suddenly appears in our life, we appreciate and beware. But Valentine's Day in my life is not so an event. It's just that one of many days when I give my favorite woman flowers, gifts, your time and attention. "

Anton Naumov instilled a stranger: "Fans often give" Valentine's "and souvenirs on this day. But one day I myself became such a "Valentine" for a stranger. Hurry to your business, I noticed a very upset girl. She sat on the bench and, as it seemed to me, even cried. She was so sad that I could not resist, bought a small bouquet of flowers and gave her. And when I saw her eyes slate, he was delighted with his gust. Then I didn't even ask her name, but I hope that since then she is crying only from happiness, and gifts for this holiday gets from her beloved. "

Sergey Demyanchuk gave advice to all men: "I love my girls most about the world. I am in love with my wife for many years, and after we have a little princess, this feeling has grown many times. I think you do not need to look at others, because what seems ideal from the side, sometimes it is not. Try to do so (I now appeal to men) so that every day your girl or wife is happy, - in response they will give you a whole world. "

Victoria Dayneko. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

Victoria Dayneko. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

Singer Victoria Daineko A teddy bear was remembered, presented with a young man: "It seems to me that I always stay in a state of love! This is a stunning engine of my own progress, in order to like this or another guy, I try to cultivate all the time! For the first time about the Day of St. Valentine, I learned in school: for some reason I wrote notes and postcards and folded into the box, and at the end of the school day, the girls bragged, who has more valentines! I often received postcards and did not always have always achieved an answer, who is the very mystical sender! But these were the most intriguing and memorable Valentine! I also sent notes in the shape of a heart of the boys I liked. How it is right, the content of them was simple: something like: "I like you." And the most memorable gift that I got on this day was a teddy bear, dressed in gifts, which I bought a young man! I believe that in love is the main thing to be together on February 14! And it is better to celebrate depending on the mood. The right way to ruin the holiday is to plan everything in advance. "

Soloists Groups "Assorted" Dream of romantics: "Men usually belong to the holiday of all lovers not too seriously. There is nothing surprising that our strong halves are tight at the mention of Valentinov of the day: the trade industry has turned this gentle holiday into a commercial enterprise, and it is associated with many with exaggerated romantic, whose apotheosis is poisonous and pink hearts, replete angels and other charms. We offer all lovers to dismiss the annoying marketing strategies and take on February 14 as a wonderful reason to please your half: make a date, give a gift, remember how your relationship began. It is so nice to receive from your favorite signs of attention and yourself, in turn, to pour them. After all, we, girls, always dream of romantics. "


Group "Assorted". Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

A popular singer Mark Tishman. It believes that Valentine's Day is an excellent reason to confess to love with your half: "I am positive and to all holidays and positively! Better than the day and you will not come up to tell about your feelings: crushing timidity, take the first step towards your half. On this day, people do not hide their emotions: give Valentine, plush bears, flowers. When I studied at the university, I gave my beloved postcard with the words: "Not to lose in silver." This is a line of the song "Bi-2" popular at the time. I put the whole soul in this postcard, apparently so she remembered me! "

Recipe for dessert from Anastasia Volochkova:

For milk cream:

egg (yolks) 3 pcs

Vanilla Essence - 2 drops

Sugar powder - 5 tbsp. L.

Milk - 1-3 cups

For ice cream:

Cream (Better Fat) - Glass

Orange chocks - 1 tsp.

Pineapple in syrup - a few pieces

Almond nuts - to taste

Method of preparation: Beat yolks with sugar to Bela, add vanilla essence. Milk bring almost to a boil and gradually, add it to the egg mixture, stirring all the time with a wooden spoon. Strain in the saucepan and with constant stirring prepare cream on slow heat before thickening, but not to give boiling. Leave to cool down, then in the dishes for freezing and put in the refrigerator, but not allow complete hardening. After shifting it into a bowl. Then beat cream. Tsukata, other fruits and nuts to add to cream. A mixture with cream shim into ice cream and mix. Then everything is shifted into the form for ice cream and freeze. Before serving on the table, remove ice cream from the shape and decorate whipped cream and sugar fruit.

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