Family horrors: from sleep for reality


I recently told a dream, which is a bitten and notice, please do not read. However, his interpretation, which I am going to offer, is far from meaningful horror.

"My husband told me that we must kill our little child. Brought arguments, but I do not remember them. The child decided to give poison. To make sure that the child will die without torment, we killed someone else's baby, put in a simple coffin and buried.

I thought that I would have time to dissuade her husband or hide the child, but suddenly I saw in his hands a small and very beautiful coffin and realized that he had already killed him. "

There are three versions of interpretations that can be offered a dream to choose from.

The first one is the most obvious. We are talking about the conflict of real, negotiations on the lifestyle and death of the child. Perhaps we are talking about abortion. About being or not to be pregnancy. Maybe if there was no such experience in the life of such an experience, then in a dream she sees the conflict of the extended family to which access. Perhaps this is her intuitive knowledge of her own life / not life, about which her parents negotiated. Or is this conflict of someone else in the family to which it has intuitive access.

Second version It is related to the fact that the internal parents want to plug her child. His dogma, morally stroke her living, spontaneous part. This conflict is known to many who have passed through strict upbringing and a complex system of prohibitions, punishments when they were children, teenagers, young men.

Third version In my opinion, the most mysterious. Karl Jung spoke that in the process of growing up our soft, infantile parts of the soul should die, or rather, to gain. Our softness, looseness, addiction, life in children's illusions should give way to the place of decisiveness, responsibility, the ability to make actions and to withstand the consequences of these actions.

Perhaps despite the horror in content, the dream of the dreams is just that the soft pieces of her soul die away, giving way to mature and adult parts. All this happens as a result of significant crises and rethinking themselves in the life path. Leave a dream with a choice, which of the versions she is more likely.

And what dreams of you?

Examples of your dreams send by mail: [email protected]. The way, the dreams are much easier to express if in a letter to the editor you will write preceding life circumstances, but most importantly - feelings and thoughts at the time of awakening from this dream.

Maria Dyachkova, PSYCHOLOGIST, Family therapist and leading trainings of personal growth Training center Marika Khazin

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