How to stop yourself sorry: 5 steps to normal life


Pity to himself periodically arises from each person, this is normal. However, there are two types of pity - motivating and pathological. As it is clear from the title, the motivating gives a certain impetus in life, while pathological destroys it. The motivating pity includes those situations where a person lives a difficult period of his life associated with loss of work, a close man, a breaking of long relations, etc. Such pity lasts no more than 2-3 days, after which a new stage in life begins. Pathological pity can last weeks, months and even years, reversed into depressive state, panic disorders. Some use their pathological negative feelings to manipulate close and friends.

In any case, pathological pity leads to degradation of a person, affects the vegetative nervous system and deterioration not only health, but also the quality of life. It is very important to promptly recognize pathological pity for yourself and get rid of it to discover new opportunities and make life with bright, rich events and positive emotions.

Recognition of having pity

The first step to getting rid of pathological pity is her recognition. In psychology, the solution of any existing problem begins with its awareness. This is the first, the most important and efficient step towards getting rid of the problem of any complexity and self-development. Even in the most difficult times, suffering will not be brought any benefit, especially if they dragged them. It is very important to understand that pity poisoning life is necessary, first of all, to recognize this negative trait and make a decision to deal with it, no matter how difficult it seems. After recognition, the problem must be analyzed, in what situations there is a pity for themselves is stronger in order to understand the reason.

The first step to getting rid of pathological pity is her recognition

The first step to getting rid of pathological pity is her recognition



After analyzing the situations in which the feeling of pathological pity for themselves increases, it is necessary to go to the second stage - substitution. First of all, this replacement of negative emotions positive thoughts. In the first stages, this task may seem difficult and even impracticable. Learning to think positively difficult when initially there are negative installations, and therefore it is worth finding a pleasant occupation in the most difficult moments. It can be listening to your favorite music, walking in the fresh air, communication with a pleasant person. It is very important to stop communicating with like-minded people in the matter of pity. It is necessary to learn to avoid people constantly complaining about life, such communication only focuses with negative emotions and increases the feeling of pathological pity.

Focus on goal

To displace negative emotions and stop sorry yourself, it is necessary to take your time as much as possible. And what if you challenge yourself and try to become the best version of yourself? You can start with small changes, for example, with the study of a new language, sports, personal blogging. Suitable absolutely any lesson on which internal resources and energy will be thrown. Focusing on something defined and trying to achieve the goals, it simply does not have time to pity for yourself.

Negative thoughts need to be replaced by positive

Negative thoughts need to be replaced by positive


Let go of the offense and disappointment

In pity, many are scrolling old resentment, disappointment in people and in themselves, only fueling negative emotions. It is necessary to try to let go of all the insults, including unspoken, real and imaginary, because they precisely they control the life of a person, launching pathological pity. Do not focus and infinitely reflect on what happened, it's time to forget everything and build a new life.

Take responsibility for what is happening

Pity to yourself is a kind of infantility. The accusation of other people, situations, the situation in the world in their own failures, of course, can bring relief, but only temporary. It is necessary to grow up and take responsibility for your life and for everything that is happening. Endless to suffer or build life at its discretion and be happy - this choice is made independently. For suffering it is only necessary to escape from real life, and for self-development and self-confidence will have to work hard, but the result will be impressive.

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