How to cope with excitement before interview


Anxiety - the killer of success, especially at interview or casting. It is also a very frequent problem, because competition and insecurity can make the nervous of each of us. The heart beats in a mad rhythm, palm sweat - and your brain seems to be unable to read your own resume, you fall into a stupor. How to cope with excitement before casting or interview?

Always gather and come in advance

The preliminary definition of logistics and time of your arrival at the place of interview or casting (even online) is crucial for your candidacy and can calm your nerves. Do not underestimate how much time it may be necessary to go away from the parking lot of a large corporation, for example, climb the elevator to the reception.

Do not drink coffee and power drinks

Be careful with what you eat and drink in front of an important day. The desire to run into a cup of coffee on the road or drinking his house for breakfast can play a cruel joke with you, although at first glance it seems completely harmless morning (or even daily) ritual. It is also never worth drinking energy drinks before the interview, even if you think that a false feeling of vigor will improve your communication skills. Eat something easy in front of the interview so that you do not have a hiring in the stomach and did not turn my head. Caffeine and other invoices are able to strengthen the anxiety so much that the usual experience will turn into a panic attack.

Perceive HR or casting director as equal to yourself

It can sound trite but the interviewer can be nervous no less than you. Perhaps you will have a person who relatively recently came to his position. However, remember that you were chosen for interview after you have established yourself as a decent candidate. Do not consider the hiring manager or casting director as an enemy - or as an almighty. Instead, treat it or to it as equal. The feeling of equal position can help reduce anxiety during the interview.

Make yourself a memo

The more you are prepared, the less you need to worry. So, make a note on your phone and write everything you need: the address of the building, the name of the hiring manager, the time, three main points that you would like to discuss during the interview, your questions and everything else. When you find yourself before the office, from which the most important thing will begin - just read your note fully and you will feel more confident.

Talk a lot before the interview, even with themselves

On the day of the interview, surround yourself with friends or family that make you feel good. Interacting with people in a positive conversation during the day, you will disperse by the time you reach the casting. A positive attitude is infectious, and hear his voice in advance to effectively formulate his thoughts when the time comes to answer questions. If you spend everything in silence in silence and alone with your thoughts, then at the most important moment you are easily shoved into a stupor.

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