This is strong: cosmetics for men


Over the past three years, the global male cosmetics market grew by about three times. Revolution! According to a newly conducted survey, about 80 percent of men carefully follow all fashionable innovations and are trying to follow global trends. 78 percent of representatives of the strong half of humanity are no less than women, are experiencing due to unnecessary kilograms and dream of bringing a figure to ideal. 55 percent are constantly using cosmetics - from the shaving gels to the cream from wrinkles, and 18 percent are constantly visited by cosmetologists.

That is why there is no one today, when the cosmetics of the male half takes the same place on the dressing table as its female part. And this is right, everyone should have their own territory. After all, cosmetics for men are fundamentally different from female. Often, their skin is more sensitive - after all, our satellites shave daily, which leads to irritation. And in the fall - due to temperature differences and a strong wind - it is also strongly dried. Even fat and normal skin in this weather is not enough moisture.

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Moisturizing cream Ambulance from S. O. S. SURVIVAL CREAM from the English brand Elemis is not in vain wears its name. This is an excellent moisturizer, which, due to the powerful formula based on lavender and the Mirra, instantly returns the skin the feeling of comfort. The cream eliminates dryness and damage to the skin, reduces sensitivity and relieves irritation after shaving. Perfect after long flights during business trips or travels, as well as after sports and long stay at the minus temperature.

Observe the entire list!

Separately, it must be said about the compositions of many cosmetics "for him." The fact is that men are much more careful than wonderful ladies, are approaching the question of what, in fact, those creams and gels that they purchase are made. Therefore, a modern man is about such an inscription on the box: "The cream is perfectly moisturizes and restores damaged skin." He carefully studies, from which the cosmetic drugs, which he uses. And strives to ensure that they are natural.

As part of all Korean funds Brand Llang. - Six-year-old red ginseng root. This unique ingredient, which was used in Eastern medicine hundreds of years, in cosmetology almost newcomer, began to apply the last few years. But the benefits appreciated everything. Including men.

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Serum for men "Llang Homme Energy Force Serum" can be called a universal multifunctional agent. She simultaneously moisturizes, nourishes and tones. The unique cosmetic formula, where, in addition to the red ginseng, also includes a lemongrass, which gently acts on the skin of the face of any type, removing signs of irritation and restoring it even tone and natural protective barrier.

Hair to the hairs

Shampoo for men should also differ from how his companion enjoys. Schwarzkopf has a whole collection of Men Deep Effect 3 shampoos with a triple technology that works immediately in three directions: on the entire surface of the hair, on the skin of the head and roots. These funds are designed to fight with the most common problems with which men face hair care - "against dandruff", "power and energy", "growth activator", "fatty control" and "freshness control". In the autumn, the line has been replenished with another means - shampoo "from dandruff and fatty" Men Deep Effect 3. After all, as practice shows, it is in the fall, with its changeable weather, suddenly "white flakes" appear, and the hair is quickly dirty.

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The main component of the new fund was zinc pyrition - an effective substance that has been widely used in medicine and cosmetology due to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. The effect is visible after the first application and is saved for up to six weeks. In addition, zinc pyrithione absorbs excess fat from the scalp, providing perfect cleansing and a long feeling of freshness.

Breaking purely clean

But, of course, no one has canceled daily shave. And now this process will be, as we promise, much more pleasant and easier. This fall Gillette presented a sign novelty, improving its best replacement cassette. After all, recent studies have shown: during shaving men spend a razor on the skin around 170 times. Moreover, 120 of them are repeated movements in those places where the gel for shaving is no longer left. The result is the feeling of irritation. So, the new Gillette® Fusion® PROSHIELD ™ Cassette Technology with lubricants before and after the blades effectively protects the skin from irritation, as if often men neither shale the same skin.

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A novelty in the presence of a heap of journalists tested the actor Maxim Vitorgan. He said, he was satisfied.

Not a shaver one

Even those tools that accompany the daily ritual shave, several functions perform several functions. For example, after shaving balsam for men from the stenders (the largest cosmetics producer) calms the irritated skin, moisturizes it, softens and protects.

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The composition of the Balzam will tell a lot to people with understanding. It is a Siberian ginseng, mint essential oil, as well as Taurine, which many are fairly called the "amino acid of the skin youth". Another nice bonus: Balzam has a very "male" fragrance with refreshing and invigorating notes of juniper essential oil.

To remember

For those who have forgotten a little and shaved a couple of days, Nivea has a special gel. A 3-day bristle shaving gel for sensitive skin softens hairs, helping to suffer with one move even to the bristle.

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The soft alcohol formula is enriched with chamomile complex and gammamemelis to protect the skin from irritation during shaving.

Fresh freshness

Well, if you are busy with a real male business (for example, you chuck the forest, and you do not sit all day after the noticebook), then the new collection of Timber from Old SPICE, which includes a shower gel, as well as solid and aerosol antiperspirants.

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Sequoia is the highest tree on the planet. It was his aroma that became an inspiration for Timber - it is necessary to be in the forest from the sequel, immediately transferring at a time when "trees were big." And almost mystical shades of mint are a freshness that is always with you if you trust the Old Spice Timber. This faithful assistant will stand on the guard of your freshness for 48 hours - so it's time to prepare firewood for the winter!

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