Do not mix: why alcohol will spoil your sex


It is believed that alcohol helps to relax if you are being excited before proximity. It is difficult to agree, but lovers "take for courage" as much as lovers of sober sex. We decided to collect all the pros and cons of alcohol preludes.

What will alcohol help to cope?

There will be less prohibits

No, the libido will not rise, but a pair of glasses of good wine helps to establish contact: a woman ceases to think about folds on the stomach, and a man no longer worries that something in his body can "not work."

No stress

Agree, the household problems "killed" not one romantic evening. Unpaid bills, queue in kindergarten, problems at work - how can you focus on a partner if these thoughts take all your attention? Again, a couple of glasses of good wine come to the rescue.

You can just spoil your evening

You can just spoil your evening


The partner becomes more attractive

We all heard a joke when to enhance attractiveness a man or woman advise to drink in front of the proximity of not less than the liter of vodka, of course, it is not worth doing this, however, if you believe polls, a few grams of alcohol really help to "close your eyes" for some disadvantages of a partner.

You become stuffing

Under the influence of the alcohol, a person has a desire to become closer to the partner: you open the soul, ready to lay out everything you feel in relation to a person. The stronger your emotional contact, the easier it is to find mutual understanding in bed.

What problems bring alcohol before sex?

not necessarily drink alcohol

not necessarily use alcohol "for courage"


Not everyone can drink

Remember that not every person can use alcohol: if you just met and you are planning the first romantic evening, try to do without alcohol - no one knows what impact will have on your partner even a pair of hot glasses.

You cease to control the situation

It is especially dangerous to communicate with a person whom you almost do not know - who knows what your new acquaintance is capable of. Many troubles can be avoided only by refusing alcohol preludes.

Sex may not take place

Men's erection is a very subtle topic. Many factors are affected by the excitement, including alcohol. The "event" can break only due to the fact that your partner drank too much and his body refuses to obey its owner.

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